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Izuku's POV

The last test of this entrance exam passed like a breeze, with each student's presentation impressing Power Loader. I must admit, there are many geniuses in this class. Most weapons displayed were so simple, yet did so much and that takes a lot of brain to conjure up. However, it seemed that I was the only one who made use of the stones Ground Omega had, and that surprised the pro hero. I'm sure he thought more people would seek the stone to create something, because, in all honesty, those stones are very powerful.

Before we knew it, the exam was finally over, and we were sent on our way.

"Do you guys wanna come over? My uncle went to America to visit some bitch that he hooked up with 3 years back, so I have the house to myself," I ask, and they quickly agree. I wanted some rest before going on my patrols tonight, but I also need to finish up on Rai. I probably will go to Takoba Municipal Beach to do the final testing, and I'll come back. You two just stay at my house and do whatever building you want. Also, Hito, the mask you created to look like the advance version of Present Mic's speaker, I don't suggest you make it similar to his. His speaker allows him to control the direction of wear is voice needs to reach, but you don't need that. What I suggest, is programming it such that you can use different voices," I explain, which he nods to.

"Oh! So that way, I can trick people into responding to me, and that makes it easier to brainwash them!" he continues and I give him a big grin. Mei just watches us with amusement and goes back into thinking about what she wants to build. We all then walked in a comfortable silence to my apartment, and once we arrived, I grab Rai and leave for the beach.


Once I arrived, I do multiple test runs. Each tail was designed to do specific tasks. The length of Rai is about 80cm, a size of an average fox and she stands at the height of 45cm. She weighs 40kg, due to the heavy metal. This weight is recorded without the weight of tail added. Initially, I wanted to make her the size of an average female tiger, but I then remodelled it to be the size of a normal red fox. This is because, the tails of the Kitsune is designed to be quite big. I spent quite long studying the yokai and seeing it's picture over and over again made me realize the tails of it were actually bigger than the body. Therefore, if I had stuck with the original plan, the robot would be far to big of a hassle to keep with me, especially with the size, there was no way I would be able to bring it around with me. Of course, wiring a smaller robo-kitsune had been difficult even for me, but it was fine. I'd rather be safe than sorry.

Anywho, Rai's most special features lie in her tails, but her feet has a hovering feature, which means she can fly out of most situations. Her first tail, it was the main weapon. It was a lazar that could burn through almost anything. It was highly dangerous, and was only there in case of emergencies. It was dangerous to test out, but me being me, I did it anyways. Rai is voice commanded, I voiced out for her to complete the task of shining the lazar towards the pile of trash that was once again accumulating. It easily destroyed the crap, and I felt ecstatic. I designed the tail to allow the size of the beam shining to change on command. It worked perfectly, which had me beaming (A/n: Pun NOT intended).

I then moved on to the second tail. This one has a system connected to many satellites in space. This would make it easy for me to communicate without any other weight such as a phone on me, and hence, lightening my load. It is also connected to other satellites, such as the Navigation Satellite, Geostationary Satellite, and etc. It was a very important tail, and was extremely difficult to install. I had to illegally hack into, not Japan's, but USA's NASA to even reach the satellite. USA's system was advanced and complicated to get through, but I eventually did it. Since NASA was a government agency, I had to hack into the American government's system, and then move on to the tedious task of hacking into NASA's systems to obtain access to the satellites. But all is well in the end, I managed to get what I want without alerting the government or NASA. I test each satellite to see if it was still connected , and sighed in relief when I saw it was.

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