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(A/n: I will be using honorifics in the speecehes from now on, since I finally now all this shit, lol. Also, I've made this mistake multiple times in this story, and I apologize for it, but Eraser and Mic are married. One more thing, I will now name the chapters weirdly.)

"Sorry, I'm late," the large blonde says.

Hizashi's POV

"For fuck's sake! Why the fuck did HE have to show up," the boy I recall as Shinsou Hitoshi yelled, startling everyone except his friends. The girl, Mei Hatsume, was scowling at the number 1 hero standing upon them, and the other boy, Omoikane Kazuya Riku, was snarling, aura around him darkening intensely. Their reaction to the famous hero was a surprise, seeing as how most kids their age idolize the blonde. This was a shocker. 

"Ah, All Might, nice to see you join u-" Nezu begins to say, before getting interrupted by the snarling white haired boy lunging towards the confused and taken aback man. Everything after happened so fast, I could barely keep up. His two friends grabbed him by each arm and pined him down as All Might jumped back in shock of the almost successful attack. Hatsume swiftly took out a syringe out her pocket and stabbed Omoikane with it, injecting whatever was in that syringe into the out of control boy. After 2 minutes, the boy was knocked out. 

Everyone released their unknowingly held breaths as the boy drifted into slumber. His friends carefully releasing their grip on him. 

"W-what did you inject him with?" Midnight asked. The purple haired boy looked up with tired eyes. "Mild poison," he says with a yawn at the end.  All the staff froze in shock at the boy's answer, especially since he answered with a straight face, as if it was normal. 

"Don't worry, he can handle mild poison. It just knocks him out for around minutes, which means we best be off before he wakes up and goes hunting for the stupid blonde that decided to show up," the pink haired girl says, glaring at All Might. The two of them shared a silent conversation through the eyes, before the boy with hair that defies gravity nodded at the pinkette, who dragged the unconscious white haired boy out of the room, may I add, by his ear. All of us heroes there winced, feeling bad for the boy. Their friend just watched amusingly, snickering at the scene, before losing his cool demeanor and turning to us with much seriousness burning in his eyes.

"Speaking of which, why the hell is he here?" Shinso says, eyes narrowing at the confused hero. 

"Well, Shinso~Kun, All Might here is joining us as a teacher in UA for this year. He will be teaching heroics. I hope you don't mind, but why did Omoikane~Kun act out like that. Also, you seem to dislike All Might, why is that?" Nezu asks, since he was the first one to regain composure.

Shinso snaps his head away from All Might, facing Nezu with annoyance, which really means this kid has balls, since Nezu is one of the most scariest being on earth. Nezu looked surprise for a split second before looking at him with a calm and almost amused face. 

"Well, for your information, this man is a disgusting being which deserves to rot in the hottest depths of Hell, but I doubt that Hell would want such an eccentric, hero wannabe like him," Shinso says, with the most bitter voice I've ever heard from a 16-year-old.

To my side, I could hear my husband snickering at the comment. Shota never liked All Might, always spending dinner times ranting about all the things that make the blonde (A/n: when I wrote this, I realized Mic is also a blonde) the worst hero, right after Endevwh- I mean Endeavor (A/n: Oml, I thought of Iida just going, "ThAt iS eXtReMeLy uNhErO-LiKe tO cAlL oTheRs a FoUl nAmE!" God help me)

Shinso turned to Shota and a ghost of a grin hovered on his lips before going back to glaring at the large hero. Shota turns to me with a surprised face, in which I returned, since the kids have been nothing but uptight and wary when in our presence so far, so to have one of them grinning at him, even if it was for a split second, it must mean something. 

We see All Might's face turning a little red with embarrassment, while everyone's, besides me and Shota's, expression morph into a surprise at the boy's comment. 

" Also, since he is teaching hero course, I'd like to reject that offer. There is no way Iz- I mean Riku would be fine with breathing the same air as him.  I'd like to go through classes without having to poison him, all the time, thank you very much. Even I know that isn't healthy," Shinso says. We all raise an eyebrow when he corrects himself when he was about to say another name. 

We then brush it off, when the realization of his words sank in. "Ah, so it seems that you have a major problem with our number one hero. Very well, as we still would like you on the Hero course, may we compromise. Could we imply some sort of rule where you three and All Might have a so-called boundary that is not to be crossed? Would that appeal to your liking?" Nezu compromises, and we fall into a tense silence, as we anticipate for his answer. 

He stares at each and everyone of our faces, and he passed mine, I could see his dead eyes, with extremely prominent eyebags, staring right into my soul. If only for a split second, I could see the dullness brighten a bit, before dulling once more and then he moved on to Nemuri, who was sitting closest to us. It was all good, until his eyes met the big blondes pair and his normal, tired-looking expression turned into a scowl. All Might raised his hands in a surrenduring pose, to show that he means no harm. The purple haired boy all but growls at the man, before his face falls back into the casual look.

He turns to Nezu, with a bored look in his eyes, and sighs. "Fine, but I would like it to stay out of a 9 feet radius from us," Shinso says with a straight face, emphasizing on th 'it' part a little too hard. I hear someone from my left, most likely Snipe, choke, before muttering out a confused 'it?'. Shinso then directs his attention to Snipe.

"Of course, that thing does not need a human pronoun," he says with an "obviously" expression. Half of the staff had to choke back their laughter, the other half looked amused, and All Might looked just about ready to explode. Before anyone can say, anything, though, Shinso speaks up.

"Anywho, I really must et going. By now, Riku has probably woken up, and we need to make sure he calms down and doesn't want to kill that thing. I'll try and convince him to agree with the boundaries. Sayonara~," he says, walking out with one hand in the pocket and the other hand waving boredly.

Once he disappeared out of our sight, Aizawa full-on chuckles. "I like that kid!" he says with the most alive tone I've heard in days. 

"Indeed, he is quite amusing. I will really like to see how he fares in this school," Nezu says, with a tone that does not promise good things. Lord have mercy on our souls.

Then finally, the beast speaks. 


Author notes: Hi guys! Sorry this is kinda short, I just wanna get this chapter out before I begin my painful revision for my mid year exams. Anyways, hope you enjoyed reading this weirdass story! Also, gomennasai everyone! I haven't posted in sooo long, so yea, I apologize ~Your friendly neigbourhood weirdo

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