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"Why the sullen faces, heroes~"

Aizawa's POV

"K-k-kurai? Is that you?" I asked, shocked out of my mind. "No, it's the tooth fairy- Of course its me!" he says, sarcastically. That caused me to roll my eyes and everyone in the room to chuckle. 

"I heard y'all missed me? Don't worry, the only person who can kill me is me," he says confidently, causing all of us to sweatdrop. "I don't know whether to feel relieved about that statement or worried," Vlad King says. He giggle and sits down on the floor. 

"Aren't you aware that you are in a room full of heroes? Why are you letting your guard down?" Ectoplasm asks, after a moment of silence, causing us to look at him questionably. "Bold of you to assume that I had my guard down. You shouldn't assume things," he says, grinning. Then, we sit in an awkward silence. Honestly, I was just so relieved he's fine. I would never forgive myself if he...

Izuku's POV

"Ah! This reminds me, in a few months, UA entrance exams is going to be held. I want to just point out that I have to very very close friends going for the exam. These two have very high potential, and one of them is my protege, so be sure to look out for them," I say. Their heads shot up in surprise. They looked so shocked, I wished I took a photo. 

Not gonna lie, calling Hito my protege feels weird, but if they ever find out my, Hito or Mei's identity, I want them to feel scared-ish of Hito. Not for his quirk, but because he is with me, trained with me and is on very friendly terms with me. One day, I'll be able to boost his confidence. I'll shout to the world to look at my protege and how awesome he is. I'll make sure no one thinks of him as a villain. I don't actually know if its valid to call him my protege since he is older than me by a few months, but I don't two shits. 

"Of course, to put them out of danger for the time being, I won't be revealing their identities or what course they will be taking. But, however, I can say, I am very proud of them, no matter how eccentric or insecure they may be. They'll do amazing things," I say with pride.

 "That's fair, but judging by how you describe them, I'm sure they are capable of being in UA. However, is this another way you can get information on us, because if it is, they may get in trouble, and that is pretty selfish," Nezu states. 

I laugh and shook my head. "I already have a source of information here. They are coming here to become the heroes they are born to be, not to work for me," I say in a happy voice. Everyone then nods and we fall back into a comfortable silence.

"You guys had really sullen aura around you guys. I could legit sense your sappy mood from 2km away. Jeez, you guys must really love me, I break the silence, chuckling.  "It's not our fault you scared the living shit out of us by disappearing for so long! What were you doing anyways?" Nemuri asks. "I did say I have a protege. He requested for my help in training, and as a good friend, I of course agreed to it. And I decided it would be a good excuse to stop doing vigilante business and let my wound heal so that I'd be more efficient when I get back. Any who, speaking of vigilante business, I best be off to do them," I say before getting stopped by Nezu.

"Kurai!" he calls out, causing me to pause and turn to him. "Yes, Nezu?" I reply calmly. "There is something we would like you to know before carrying on with your -er- job," he says. This caused me to nod and take my place in the always empty the staff room has. I'd appreciate if no one asks how I know it's always empty. 

"You see, after a while of you not showing up, someone, we assume is one of the people who is regular on your tail, announced that you had supposedly gone missing. This caused a buzz which died after a while. However, at this news, more and more criminals have been taking advantage of your absence and causing mishaps in the dead of night. Crime rates have shot up and we were planning on putting more heroes in night shift because of this problem. I'm pretty thankful that you have returned, but, I want to warn you that this few nights will be very difficult as there will be more evildoers than usual. Eraser will still be on the job and no extra help will be provided unless asked. Do be careful," he explains. 

Woah, more villains have came out because they thought I was gone. They must be real pussies for not showing themselves when I'm around. "Whatever, I'm ready for any challenge. With this, I should be going. Nice chatting with y'all and thanks for the heads up," I say, then running out of the room that now has a broken door.

Nezu's POV

That boy is a mystery. I loathe that part of the boy the most. It was frustrating that I, an animal with an intelligence quirk, cannot figure out his identity. He uses a voice changer so I don't specifically know how his voice sounds like. He has black hair with jade-green highlights. His hoodie may cover majority of his hair, but there was always a few curly strands sticking out. His eyes were these intense electrical green that looked like it could pierce your soul if they were to glare right into your eyes. He is also quirkless, which, you would think, makes it easier for me to find out his identity since there was only around 20% of this world that were born without quirks, but it wasn't. For some reason, there was not one quirkless person alive that had the features he had. I feel like I'm missing something here. 

No doubt, I don't find the boy a threat at all. After all, he does help a lot with the number of criminals running around at night. Everyone from UA don't seem too disturbed with the boys presence, and in fact, we are all intrigued by him. He was a wonder for sure, and he piques my interest, which says a lot to most people, seeing as how I am a being that is "hard to impress". 

"I'll find out who you are, Kurai."

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