Chapter 1: Arrival

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-A little note: This is the first fanfiction ever that I was brave enough to publish so please, keep that in mind. Also, English is not my mother tongue so please be gentle😅-


Lynn was sitting on her kitchen table in the old farmhouse of her parents, looking at old family pictures. Her parents had died just a few months ago and she decided to live in their old house for some time until she would decide to sell it. She actually lived in London.

When she looked at the pictures, she smiled slightly and a tear dripped down her cheek. Suddenly she heard a loud, strange noise outside her house. She quickly looked out of the window on the right side of the kitchen and saw a bright glowing thing, which seem to be burning, crashing down the night sky.

She couldn't believe her eyes. "A comet?!", she thought. "A comet is crashing down in England?". When that thing collapsed with earth, a flashing light lightened up Lynn's kitchen. Quickly, she ran outside and right in the direction where that thing landed.

She ran through high grass and inhaled the cold air of the night that was combined with the smell of fire. She ran further until she arrived at the forest near the house. The smell of fire became stronger and the dark shadows of the trees looked like monsters watching her. Slowly, she stepped inside the forest and she could already see the comet.

It had landed on a little clearing in the forest. She walked towards it and noticed that it actually didn't look like a comet at all. It was silver, shiny and glowed in the darkness of the forest. Lynn stepped closer as she saw something move. The silver thing opened and something fell out. It looked like an animal without any fur and gray-ish skin. She watched the animal standing up on two legs. Now it looked more human like. When it turned around, she saw a big shard of metal stuck in it's stomach.

Suddenly she wasn't scared anymore or curios. She just saw a living creature in pain and immediately ran to it. It looked shocked at first but it calmed down very fast. When she took a quick look into it's face, she saw that it was just wearing a grey suit and that it's skin was actually pale but human. She helped it to get up and they walked out of the forest and ran to her house.

"Shit!", Lynn thought. "What am I gonna do? Call an ambulance?- No that'd be stupid. It'd already be dead when they arrive. I need to help them myself." When they got inside, she laid it on the kitchen table and ran into the bathroom to get supplies.

When she came back into the kitchen she ripped up it's suit with a scissor. When she saw the bare skin of its chest she noticed it was actually a him. "OK ready?", she asked and touched the shard. The man nodded scared and she pulled it out. He yelled in pain but she tried to ignore it.

Quickly she took a towel to stop the bleeding and opened some alcohol. She pured the whiskey into his open wound and he screamed again. "I'm sorry", she said but she hoped he knew that she was just trying to help. She took a needle and garn and started to stitch the wound so it closed.

The man was breathing heavily and cried a bit. When she was finished, she covered the wound with bandages. Lynn looked up to his face and saw that he had fallen unconscious. She stood up and went into her parents old bedroom and took some of her dad's clothes.

She started to pull off the upper half of the man's grey suit and pulled it over his head and could now see all of his face and his hair. He had a bright red mullet. He also had a strange looking orb in his forehead. "He's quite beautiful", Lynn thought. She got him into her dad's clothes. A gray sweater and some black pants.

She pulled him down the table, carried him to her bedroom and laid him on her bed and covered him with a blanket. She didn't know what she should say when he would wake up but she tried to calm down a little. She had no idea of what that thing could be that he crashed to earth with.

-Sooooo I Hope you liked my first chapter so far! I'm happy for every feedback so please feel free to tell me in the comments!❤️-

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