Story Seven

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"The girl and the car"

One day (the beginning of which I cannot remember) I was over my cousin's house.

I was so excited because her kids (around my age) were there and I barely ever got to see them. My other cousins were there as well and I was ready for us to start getting into trouble and having the time of our lives.

This is probably why I was always closer to people that were younger to me at this age because none of my family members were in my age range, really. Everyone is either really old or really young, but the younger kids tended to be nicer so I hung out with them (until they turned into big kids). Needless to say, I don't talk to them anymore. 


I got to the house and I was so excited and we all played upstairs and were in our parents hair until finally we rounded our way outside. 

At the time, one of my older brothers was doing really well in football and as a result, he got a lot of trophies. I was proud and didn't have anything of my own to show off, so I decided to go to my dad's truck and get the biggest one that I found in the trunk.

At the time I was thankful the car was unlocked and I was adamant to reveal that trophy asap, so I crawled on back, climbed back out and when it was time for me to close the door.

The trophy was big under my little arm at the time, but I didn't let it go for dear life until it happened.

I went to close the car door I stupidly focused on my right hand which was closing it instead of the finger that was still in the freaking door.

My face immediately lit up as I realized what just happened. 

I just slammed my finger in the door.

Immediately all my cousins on the porch were laughing at me when they saw what happened. I, in pain and almost about to cry (nothing unusual for me in these situations), decided to laugh along. 

'Cause there is nothing worse than being laughed at, especially when you're in pain.

They laughed even harder when I attempted to pull my finger out. The door wasn't closed too tremendously hard (thank the heavens) which was probably a blessing because I never close doors "softly" and have never in my life, not even after this incident. If I hadn't, I'd have lost my index finger.

BTW, the feeling of being pulled back/held back by an appendage is weird. Imagine being nailed to a cross.

I was afraid to open the door because one, I was afraid to see what my finger would look like and two I'd probably start tearing up. 

Another thing I want to mention is that my finger wasn't just stuck anywhere between the car and the door, but between the latch and that also increased my worries. 

I told one of them to tell my dad to come but they were too busy going back into the house. 

Feeling left behind and starting to get scared that my dad would get mad if he had to get me. 

I realize that I did not explain what this pain was. Instantly my finger started pulsing and it felt as if I wrapped a rubber band around my finger tightly. 

There was also something that was like an itch...I can't really explain it. 

But still, surprisingly, it was less painful than stubbing your toe.

Maybe it was mild shock. Idk.

I finally decided to open the door since my finger was getting numb and when I did, my eyes started welling up with tears and I was shaking because I was so shocked.

I ran to my dad inside and told him what was happening and he was laughing from what my cousins were saying, not really paying attention to what I was saying.

When he finally listened, he asked me what I wanted him to do and I said to kiss it. 

Big mistake since his facial hair made it feel like it was going to bleed.

We ended up putting something on my finger to stop the throbbing (I think), but I didn't even care about that.

More than anything I wanted to go home and tell my mom what happened because she always made me feel better (p.s. she kissed it later and I felt much better).

My cousins didn't check on me and no one else paid attention to the fact that I wanted to leave, so I laid on the ground, not even able to cry this time. 

I took off the band aid since it didn't do anything but make the pressure worse.

I stared at it watched as my finger was visibly thumped and it was very annoying. It was thumping for days and I could "feel my heart beat in my finger" as I described it. 

My finger scared me as I laid in the ground, face to the floor because I was that beat down, and looked at the purple finger that was also riddled with purple veins until my dad decided to take me home. I didn't even cry forreal. I was too shocked.

In the following weeks the pulsating diminished gradually, my finger was normal colored again, but there were three problems I still had. 

1) When I smashed my finger in the door, the skin on the top of my nail was pushed forward onto my nail and I could see the root of my nail. So it was root of nail, skin, finger nail. And

2) My nail was cracked vertically, not horizontally like most are. It ran from the end of my nail to the nail bed as well.

Extra: The half of my nail that got cracked was lifting from my nail bed.

I was deathly afraid of pulling the rest of my nail off because it was still attached to my skin and just touching it hurt.

I ended up getting it clipped off, though and thus, I had half of my fingernail and was bald. It was barely enough to notice though.

I was just happy to be able to polish my nails again without it hurting.

It eventually grew back and when it did I had to keep clipping the other half so that they'd be even. 

Today, I have a line down my index finger nail indicating that half was once upon a time gone. Every time I see it I am reminded of that day.

So. What did I learn you ask? I learned that those that laugh at you in your worst moments probably won't be there for you in other instances. Because that did happen.

I also learned that kissing boo-boos isn't always the best.

I rate this story a whopping 10/10

To this day I still haven't experienced anything like that and I hope I never will.

Until next time folks!

Oh and HAPPY NEW YEAR (I know I'm late. Lol)

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