Stealy Stealy Yoink!

Beginne am Anfang

You have discovered a new technique:

Body Flicker (lvl 2)

Pooling Chakra into your feet, you manage to achieve rapid, almost untraceable speeds.

Body Flicker is OP if used properly, though gets shit all over by the Flying Raijin.  This will be extra useful during this Mission.  I looked ahead of me into the many halls and doorways of the Roof Headquarters.  Looking up I noticed a large grate on the ceiling, figuring that that leads to the airways, used [Body Flicker] to jump up into the small space.  The less I spend around the Anbu, the less likely they are to find me.

I continued spamming the [Body Flicker] to move around the vents, I checked each grate I came across for anything interesting.  Constantly avoiding Laura had made me especially adept at knowing how to step and where to step when sneaking.  It had also taught me how best to sneak through an area.  Long story short, I'm now paranoid as all hell.  Cross your fingers that my paranoia outranks Danzo's.

I continued searching around until I came across a room full of scrolls.  Using my Sekigan, I scanned the room, not detecting any Chakra, I discreetly slipped into the room.  Landing with a soft thump, I looked around the room using [Fucking Eyes], and to my surprise, all of these scrolls were Skill Scrolls.  I'd come across multiple during my time in the Dungeon, so I was already familiar with them.  But I'd never seen so many before.  Most of them were shit, I lacked a Nature Affinity for most of them, almost all of them being Water Style or Wind Style, no doubt spoils of war from the other nations.  There were a few Yin, Yang, and Fire Style Jutsu, as well as a few Nature-less Jutsu.  For Example.

Yin Style: Shadow Puppet Jutsu (S-Rank) (Forbidden Jutsu)

Create Multiple "Puppets" out of shadow, these Puppets can be used for attack or defense.  Alternatively, the "Puppets" can latch themselves onto another person's shadow allowing the Jutsu caster to share thoughts, chakra, or memories with the person, finally, it can be used to outright control a person's body.

Rasengan (A-Rank)

Create a small spinning sphere in the palm of your hand that can be used to great offensive lengths.

Fire Style: Majestic Destroyer Flame (B-Rank)

The Pinnacle of the Uchiha Fire Style Techniques.  The user converts their chakra into flames inside of their body, expelling it from the mouth in the form of a massive sea of fire.

Everything else was useless to me.  I quickly gathered up the three scrolls and learned them, giddy to use my new abilities.  As I was heading out, another scroll caught my eye.  Much bigger than the other scrolls, and colored Black was what appeared to be a summoning scroll.

Y/n: Fucking Eyes

Summoning Contract: Oni (Un-Bonded)

Y/n: Oni? That wasn't in the anime.

I walked over to the large scroll, noticing another sitting next to it colored Orange.

Y/n: Fucking Eyes

Summoning Contract: Gecko's (Un-Bonded)

What are two summoning contracts going in here?  I'll look into it later, for now, yoink!  I slipped both scrolls' into my Inventory, and Body Flickered back into the air vents.  I continued on my way, eventually finding what I was looking for.

I better do this quick, the longer I take the more likely Danzo is to discover me.  I looked around, deciding to be real choosy, I'll never get this chance again, so I might as well be careful.  After a few seconds of not being able to make up my mind, I decided to just grab three random tubes and Sasgay's father, Fugaku's eyes.  I slipped all four tubes into my Inventory and bolted back up into the vents.

Fuinjutsu is Overpowered (Male Gamer Reader x Naruto)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt