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I had just dropped Hinata off at her home, her parents didn't seem to care she was out so late.  To think this is only my first official day in the Narutoverse.  These several months I spent in the Punishment World have really changed me.  My mind is much clearer, I'm much more sure of myself now.  It's weird, going from a sputtering bashful teen to a confident and absurdly powerful... thirteen year old, god I hate that, was oddly very easy for me.

My home Estate came into view ahead of me and I let out a sigh, this day has been long, but my night has just begun.  I checked out the two items I earned from my quest earlier, they were both Jutsu Scrolls.  The first is Water Style: Black Rain and the second is Wind Style: Great Breakthrough. Both of them will work very well with the technique, Great Destroyer Flame, that I acquired in the ROOT Organization HQ.  But I'm not very interested in Ninjutsu at the moment, I had briefly stopped by the Hokage's Office, giving the old man and his guard's quite the fright, and he had informed me that my family's Vault is accessible only to an Iwatani and that it's placed under my house.  Basically, I've given myself Homework.  Oh, how the mighty have fallen...  

Another thing, after I had learned those techniques, I got a notification that said I was close to unlocking my other Kekkei Genkai, probably referring to my Question Marked out Nature Releases.  If I remember my Combined Nature Releases correctly, I may have Scorch Release, Boil Release, and/or Ice Release.  Ice Release is unique to the Yuki Clan, but considering I'm a descendant of Indra, I could possibly have it too, and another descendant got it in one of the light novels.  Hell, I may even have Yin-Yang Release, but I doubt it as that's an SSP and Jyuubi exclusive ability. 

I walked through the front gates of the compound and around the side of the building, finding a stairway leading down into the ground with a stone door at the bottom.  Walking down I noticed the outline of seal markers across its face.  Pulling my hand up, I cautiously poured my Chakra into it.  After a second the doors rapidly swung open, revealing a torchlit hallway.  I walked inside, being surprised by the rapid slam of the stone door behind me.  At the end of the hallway was what appeared to be a large room, but from my position, it's impossible to tell.  I quickly activated my Sekigan and scanned the opening.  To my surprise, I found a large library.  A room so large it didn't make any sense that it was literally RIGHT below my house.  I cautiously walked forward, being mindful of any potential traps.  I was further surprised by just how large the room was.  Hundreds of tomes and scrolls lined shelf after shelf in the circular room.  Several shields and depictions of seals and techniques were plastered on stone walls in between the shelves.  In the center of the room stands a gold pedestal with a singular large tome sitting atop it.

I walked over to it curiously, brushing the dust off the book's cover, surprised by the symbol I found.  A green ornate shield with the depiction of a raccoon... or is it a Tanuki, poking its head over the top.  Is this my clan's symbol?

???: Ah, so you've finally decided to come to me at last... Young Master...

I stood on guard, activating my Sharingan and looking around the room.  At the back of the room, hopping out of a large opening I didn't see before, came a large brown and beige striped raccoon.  Small round ears rest atop her head, and long brown locks flow down the sides, framing her face.  Her large pinkish-red eyes look at me with excitement and love, not the kind of love Hinata no doubt feels for me, but more of the motherly kind of love.  She's rather thin, or maybe not as fluffy as normal raccoons, having an almost human-like body shape.  Narrow shoulders and flared hips, however, she still looks very much like a raccoon, there's just one issue... she's like... ten feet tall.  She's donning a simple pink and white shrine maiden's outfit.

???: Um... Master? Are you okay?

She tilted her head cutely.

She seems oddly familiar like I've seen her before somewhere.

Y/n: Um... who are you?  What are you?

Her eyes light up with understanding, and she lets out a little giggle.

???: I'm Raphtalia, I'm a Racoon Tanuki... Spirit... thing... err... I actually don't know what I am Master, but it doesn't matter, you're my Master and I'm here to help!

My eye twitched, I have a Spirit living in my basement... at least it's not the ass-eating monster most people have.

Y/n: I'm here to learn all about my Family History, Some Sealing Techniques, and maybe a bit more about my Dojutsu...

Raphtalia clapped her hands... er paws(?) together and giggled giddily.

Raphtalia: I'm happy to serve Master!  I'll get you the Tomes and Scrolls on the basics of Sealing, and a few advanced seals, the book in front of you should help you with the other two things.

Y/n: O-Okay...

Raphtalia went about sorting through the tomes and scrolls littered across the shelves humming a happy tune.  I was about to get to reading the crested tome when Raphtalia let out an exclamation of worry, and a scroll immediately fell on my head.  It wasn't heavy, nor did it hurt, but it was kinda annoying.  I reached down to pick it up but was shocked and excited by what I saw.

Scroll of Paper Style

A rare, but once widespread style of Ninjutsu that was invented centuries ago.

I picked it up, deadset on learning it, when the box opened up I immediately clicked learn.  Oddly, unlike all the other times I learned a technique from a scroll, this one didn't disappear.

Paper Ninjutsu (basic):

Allows the user to Manipulate their chakra into a paper-like state.

This scroll is a part of your Family Archives, meaning it won't be consumed when you learn it.

My eyes almost bugged out.

So what you're saying is, I can learn all the Techniques in this room... given I have the affinity for them, without consequence?  I had to stop myself from letting out a giddy squeal.  I was partially worried I'd have to be choosey with what I tried to learn.  But now, I can just absorb all the knowledge I need at the moment and continue on.

Raphtalia: I'm so sorry! I'm so sorry! I'm so sorry! Please forgive me, Master!

I looked up at her, far too happy to be upset.

Y/n: Are there any tomes on shield use?

I had just noticed Raphtalia was crying, bawling her eyes out into her paws.

Raphtalia: You're not mad at me?

I adopted a softer expression, trying to quell the large Procyon's sadness.

Y/n: No of course not, it was just a scroll, besides, you just gave me an idea.

Raphtalia whipped her tears and looked at me curiously, tilting her head cutely.

Y/n: My family is apparently well versed in the art of Shield use, so I was wondering if there were any tomes here that'd teach me how to use one... I also need to get a shield...

Raphtalia sniffed one last time before smiling weakly.

Raphtalia: Well... you can use the Kusanagi Shield on the wall over there, for techniques... there are a few...

Y/n: I'll need all of them!

I smiled happily, giddy to get to work.

Raphtalia smiled brightly once more, joy once again filling her bright red eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 25, 2021 ⏰

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