Exploits People Exploits!

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I kept on dashing down the hall, not even paying attention to the pleas of the She-Beast behind me.

Emergency Quest:

Kill Mommy!

Rewards: Survival

Failure: Death

I felt panic bubbling up inside me, genuine fear the likes of which I've never felt.

Y/n: Why isn't Gamer's Mind calming me down!?

System: Gamer's Mind has been disabled temporarily.

Y/n: Shit...

My body burned, my muscles ached, my eyes felt like they were going to pop out of my skull.  Red Hot Fear had gripped my entire being, I just needed to think, calm down and think.

Looking ahead I noticed a small opening in the cracked wall.  Sprinting faster, I barely managed to dip into the crevice.  Behind me I heard the angry ravings of the she-beast.

(Some Time Later)

The Crevice I slipped into lead into another wing of the "Hospital."  A seemingly endless hallway filled with doors, behind the doors were offices of some kind.  Inside I found a number of supplies, Blank Ninja Scrolls, Several Tons of Blank Printer Paper, Several "Weak" Poisons, Paper Bombs, and an old Wakizashi.

I looked at the old blade curiously.

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Name: Hayato

Rank: N/a

Damage: 40 + STR + DEX

Condition: Poor

Sighing, I attached the sheath on my belt, on the back part.  Instead, I turned my attention to the Paper Bombs, starting to get an idea.

Y/n: Since Paper Bombs are created using Fuinjutsu... maybe I can make my own?

By the way, I wonder what time it is outside of this dungeon?

System: Time will not pass whilst you are in this dungeon, furthermore, all biological needs have been halted.

Y/n: So I don't need to eat, sleep, or shit?

System: Indeed.

At that moment I heard a crash at the other end of the hall.

Laura: I know you're here you little shit!

Deciding to hold off until later, I began to stealthily move the other way.

(Timeskip 8 Months)

Fuinjutsu is Overpowered (Male Gamer Reader x Naruto)Where stories live. Discover now