Currents Pt. 1

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Luna PoV

The bus drove us back to Beacon Hills. Everyone was going back home. I had two choices; either go home to my actual house with Peter and Cora or go to my dad's loft. I picked the loft, but Boyd and Isaac decided to stay with me because they think I may be emotionally unstable. The three of us were walking in the loft, and I kept telling the boys Im fine. "Guys" I turned around and faced Isaac and Boyd. "I appreciate the concern, but really, I'm fine" I lied and I noticed they weren't looking at me. Their faces look like they've seen a ghost. 'What?'

"You may want to turn around" Isaac gestured. I did what he told me and standing up straight, putting no emotion on my face.

"Hi my little wolf" he said, with a small smile. After what happened in the past few days, he smiles? I didn't do anything. I just stood there in shock.


Derek PoV

Days have passed since my daughter saw me alive. She hasn't been the same since then. What I mean by that she's been completely ignoring me. She comes home late, when she comes home, no greeting. Yesterday night, she didn't come home till 1am because she was with Scott and Stiles, looking for the next sacrifice. Now, it's morning, and I was watching my daughter sleeping, until the alarm beeped. I quickly ran to the alarm and stopped it. I sighed in relief when my daughter was still sleeping through that. "What does it mean?'' my sister, Cora, asked me, walking beside me, gesturing me to look at the window. I walked closer to the window, staring at the mark done by the alphas.

"it means they're coming" I answered. "Tonight". Cora and I kept staring at the mark but all of a sudden my daughter started muttering in her sleep. I quickly ran over to her and tried to wake her up.

"D...Dad?'' she kept on muttering.

"Luna? Luna, wake up. Lu-" I was cut off when Luna suddenly woke up with a scream and her hand hitting me in my chest with her werewolf strength that caused me to fly across the room.

"Derek!" Cora yelled, helping me to get up. "You okay?' she asked and I nodded. Me and Cora looked at Luna, who was looking at me with shocked eyes. "Luna" Cora took a step forward to her niece.

"I'm late to school" she quickly said, running towards the bathroom.

Scott PoV
Me and Stiles were at biology class. And Ms Blake came in because apparently she was the substitute for Mr Harris who's still missing or sick. Wherever he is. The classroom door entered and Luna entered. I stood up straight, noticing she looks different. There's a sense of sadness for some reason. When she entered she was glaring at Ms Blake for some reason. "Great" I heard her nutter under her breath. "Sorry I'm late Ms Blake" she said not making eye contact.

"That's okay Luna. Take your seat". Luna, weirdly took the seat at the back of the room instead of her usual seat in front of me and Stiles. There's something wrong with Luna.

Luna PoV
When I sat down, I zoned out instead. I was also ignoring the looks Scott was giving me. Ever since knowing dad was alive, I couldn't control my emotions anymore. I just seemed to get angrier at people for some reason. I decided to take my phone out and texted the only person I can trust right now to help me on how to process this. I don't care about the sacrifices at the moment. I know that sounds selfish. But I need help right now to process my feelings.


I ditched my next classes. I was in the woods waiting for the person I texted earlier on. Scott and Stiles ditched as well because apparently Deaton is missing this time. They asked me to help them but I ignored them which sounds rude but I don't care at all. "Out of all people, you chose me" I heard him chuckle slightly.

"I'm gonna regret this aren't I" I laughed to myself. I turned around and sighed. "Hey Crazy Pants" I greeted with a smile.

"What's the matter? Scott and Allison problems? Sacrifices?"

"This may sound selfish but I don't really care at all those right now" I told him and surprisingly he looked proud or interested. "I want answers."


"How did my mom die?" I asked. "And stop making excuses that I'm too young to know. He took a deep breath and basically gave me the story.
And so many emotions were running through me. Anger. Sadness. Confused. I started to walk away from Peter.

"Where are you going?!"

"To kill Alphas" I simply said, feeling my eyes glow.

A/N : I'll be making a chapter between Luna and Derek only after the Darach Story, and the Alphas. Just like how I did with her Sweet 16. We need a father/daughter chapter and Derek tells her everything, etc.
But Peter telling her though, we see how affected she is. Not just that, but after thinking of losing her dad for a short amount of time. Her emotions are building up so we may see a very different side of Luna soon. Probably in 3B and S4.

Luna Krasikeva HaleWhere stories live. Discover now