S3: Fireflies

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Luna PoV

It was night time. Dad, Scott, Isaac and I were trying to find Boyd and Cora. But every time we find them, they run away, so fast, we can barely catch up with them. We were taking a break and Scott was on the phone talking to Stiles. He hung up and informed us about a guy dead in the Beacon Hills Public Swimming Pool. ''This doesn't make any sense'' my dad muttered. ''The swimming pool is on the other side from the woods. We haven't traced them anywhere near there''.

''Derek, they killed someone'' Scott said.

''How are they moving so fast?'' my dad asked, getting angry, I put my hand on his shoulder, to make him calm a little. ''They can't be so fast on foot!''

''Dad'' I whispered. He looked at me and he took a deep breath.

''Derek, they killed someone'' Scott repeated. ''Some totally innocent boy is dead. We need help''.

''We have Isaac now'' dad said and Scott looked at me for help.

''He means, real help, dad'' I said and Isaac looked at me, offended at what I said. ''Sorry'' I told Isaac. ''Dad, they're too fast. And you know it''.

''We can catch them'' my dad said, being stubborn as usual.

''And what happens if we do? Hold them down till the sun comes up?'' Isaac questioned.

''Maybe killing them is the best option'' dad sighed and I looked at him in shock.

''You are not killing your own sister. My aunt Cora'' I scolded at him.

''What choice do we have Luna?!'' my dad shouted. ''The alphas had her the entire time. Who knows? She's probably not the same Cora anymore''.

''Killing your relative is not right. Killing anyone isn't right at all'' I told him.

''You didn't say anything when Peter killed Kate'' dad reminded me and I glared at him. 

 ''Dad, we need someone who knows how to catch them'' I said, ignoring his statement.

''Who?'' dad asked and I looked at Scott and he gave us a small smile.


Dad, Isaac and I were in the car watching Scott who was talking to Chris Argent who had his gun pointed towards Scott. ''Do you think this will work?'' Isaac asked, who was sitting at the back of the car. 

''Nope'' dad replied.

''Me neither'' Isaac nodded in agreement. ''So uh...your sister'' Isaac began and my dad glared at him. ''Sorry, it's...I'll...I'll ask later'' Isaac stuttered and dad glared at him again. ''Or...or never'' Isaac nodded so did my dad. I rolled my eyes and I saw Scott going into Chris' car. Dad started the engine and we followed them to the crime scene. 

''I guess Scott plan had worked then'' I muttered.


 We were back in the woods, with Chris now who put his hunting gear on the ground. ''You're tracking them by print?'' Chris asked us.

''Trying to'' Scott answered.  

''Well, then, you've been wasting your time'' Chris told us. ''There's only one creature on earth that can visually track footprints, and that's a man. And if you're not trained like me, you have no idea that this print is Boyd's and these...''

''Are Cora's'' Isaac interrupted Chris' sentence. 

''Nope. They're yours. You trampled Cora's as soon as you walked over here. Listen, I know the four of you are focusing half your energy on resisting your own urges under the full moon, but that puts you at a severe disadvantage to Boyd and Cora, who have fully given in. They put the pedal to the floor where you three are barely hitting the speed limit'' Chris explained.

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