S3: Frayed

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Luna PoV

I was in Allison's car with Allison driving and Lydia sitting at the front. We were following the school bus where the boys are in because both Allison and I are worried about Scott who got injured, Lydia is with us because of her evil boyfriend's brother Ethan and the third reason, yes Scott is injured, but I cannot lose any more people I care about. Cora and Peter think he's alive but I saw what happened. And he's not.  After what happened yesterday, I just now feel depressed. I was looking out the car window, I heard Lydia ask me if I was okay, I didn't answer because I was remembering what happened yesterday night. The night I lost my dad.

Dad had a plan to kill to Deucalion and the other alphas but it didn't work. Deucalion knew our ambush plan. He wanted dad to choose to kill either Boyd or aunt Cora. We were all fighting with the Alphas. Dad and aunt Cora were fighting Kali, Isaac and Scott were fighting the twins while I was fighting Ennis, but he was double my height and since he's an alpha he's way too strong for me. I was about to throw a punch at Ennis' face, but he managed to block it, twisted my arm that I screamed. Dad heard me scream that I heard him yell my name. ''Luna!'' I kept continuing to screaming as Ennis continued to keep breaking my arm but from the side of my eye I saw Scott run towards Ennis and pushed Ennis away from me. And I went to a wall for support, for my bones to heal. Now it was Scott and my dad fighting off Ennis. I was about to go help, but Deucalion walked right in front me with a smile. I growled at him in my werewolf form.

''Luna, Luna, Luna. Oh I remember you when you were 5 years old. You were so cute. You have so much potential. But have your dad ever told you what happened to your mother?'' he asked, making me distracted, forgetting about the fight. 

''What?'' I whispered, yet Deucalion was still able to hear. He was about to answer but he ran away from me when a bright flash came. I blinked my eyes and looked up where that flash came from. I saw Allison holding her bow and arrow. ''I can't believe I'm saying this, but I'm so glad she's hear'' I said to myself. I went to look back at Scott and my dad, dad was on the ground who was slowly standing up, and Scott, I just saw his eyes glowed red after but it turned back to yellow. I was a bit shock at first but I ignored it and went to help Scott once I felt my bones of my my right arm heal. I pushed Ennis down on the ground but once again Ennis was too strong for me that he manage to pin me on the ground trying to choke me to death. But he was pushed off of me and I saw it was my dad and once I got a clear vision of what happened I saw my dad and Ennis fall of the ledge that had a long fall to the ground.  ''Dad!'' I cried out, running over to the ledge. I wanted to go jump down because it was my fault he was dead but Scott was pulling me back.

I was pulled back to reality when Lydia's phone rang and Allison's car was about to die. Lydia put her phone on speaker and Stiles had spoke up making my eyes go widen when he told us the news. ''Scott's still hurt''.

''Still? He's really not healing?'' I questioned. 

''No, he's not. I think it's getting worse, the blood is turning into a black colour'' Stiles said.

''We need to get him off the bus'' Allison said and i nodded in agreement.

''And take him where? Hospital?'' Lydia asked.

''If that's what it takes to save Scott'' I cried and I felt the girls eyes on me giving me a sympathy look. I hate that look, making me roll my eyes and spoke to Stiles again. ''Stiles there's a rest area a mile up, tell coach to pull over''.

''Yeah, I've been trying''.

''Well, reason with him'' Allison said.

''Reason?! Have you met this guy?'' Stiles asked.

''Stiles, Scott's life is on the line right now. Come up with something'' I demanded and pressed end call on Lydia's phone. I sighed and leaned back of the car's back seat and I so badly want to scream. So much deaths happening. And the worst thing that's keeping me distracted other than dad's death is what did Deucalion meant about my mom's death.


I don't know how Stiles managed to make the bus pull over, but thank God he did. I was with Stiles and Lydia outside, near the bus, while Allison went to heal Scott since she's the huntress and was trained for this kind of thing, and I'm putting my trust on her now. After she tried to save our life last night, she and I got a little close. Coach blew was his whistle telling us to leave but Scott and Allison were no where to be seen. Stiles was about to reject but we heard a crow chanting the word fight. Me, Stilles and Lydia and the coach went to see what it was and we saw Isaac punching Ethan, while Boyd was just standing, smiling slightly at what Isaac is doing. I was shaking my head at the scene. I know they're mad at what happened to my dad but this not how it should be. I stepped in trying to stop Isaac but he wasn't listening to me, same with Boyd. They were both ignoring my demands until we heard a shout, which sounded very Alpha like.

''Isaac!'' Scott shouted. I turned around to face him. First, I was relieved he was fine. I gave Allison a thankful smile and she smiled back. Second, I gave Scott a surprising and confusing look. Especially how Isaac obeyed Scott like that.


We were all now at the bus. Since Allison's car has no more gas we decided to go with the lacrosse team on the bus. I was looking out the window again until Scott interrupted my thoughts. ''How are you Luna?'' he asked gently. I gave him a shrug. ''It's okay to grieve. But you need to know, it's not your fault.''

''He died protecting me Scott'' I reminded him. ''I didn't do anything. I-'' I paused when Scott grabbed my hand. 

''Stop blaming yourself. Even Cora said it wasn't your fault'' he said, trying to assure me but it wasn't working.

''Why do I feel it is?'' I sighed and he was caressing my right hand with his. Then I stared at him, especially at his eyes. 

''What?'' he asked. 

''Just looking into your eyes'' I replied, giving him a small smile and he smiled back. 

Luna Krasikeva HaleWhere stories live. Discover now