Heart Monitor pt. 1

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Luna PoV
I was watching my dad chasing Scott at a shopping mall car park. It was going on well. Scott was hiding behind the cars, making the alarms go off. But everything got ruined when his phone rang. ''You're dead'' dad said. I shook my head and joined them.

''What the hell was that?!'' Scott exclaimed.

''He did say he was going to teach you'' I remineded him.''He didnt say when''.

''You scared the crap out of me!'' Scott screamed at my dad.

''Not yet'' dad rolled his eyes.

''Okay, but I was fast enough right?'' Scott asked.

''Not fast enough'' I told him.

''How about the car alarm thing? That was smart, right?''

''It was, until your phone rang'' I said.

''Okay...can we just stop?! Please!'' Scott yelled, making me look at him. ''What happened the other night to Stiles' dad was my fault. I should have been there to do something. Derek, Luna, I need you two to teach me how to control this!'' Dad and I looked at each other and looked back at Scott.

''Look, my daughter and I here are werewolves by birth. You were bitten'' dad stated. ''Teaching who was bitten takes time. I don't know if I can teach you''.

''What do I have to do?'' Scott asked.

''You have to get rid of distractions, Scott'' I sighed. ''That includes your phone'' taking his phone out of his hand. ''Especially your mom''. I then threw his phone at the wall, ignoring his pleas to not destroy his phone.

''You have to get angry'' dad continued. ''You want to learn how to shift, you do it through anger''.

''But you can't do that when you're with your mom'' I said.

''I can get angry'' Scott growled.

''Not angry enough!'' dad yelled at him.

''Scott listen to my dad. He's trying to help you. Stay away from her. Well...at least until the full moon?''

''If that's what it takes'' Scott sighed.

''Scott'' I walked over to him, closer. ''You want to protect your loved ones right?'' I asked and he nodded. ''Trust us. Okay?''

''Okay'' he nodded.

''There's also someone else you need to ignore'' I quietly said and he looked at me with wide eyes.


I was in my room, listening to music and looking up at my ceiling. ''Can I ask you something?'' I heard my dad's voice. I sat up and quickly turned my music off.


''Do you like Scott?''

''What? What makes you think that?'' I questioned.

''Your heart is beating fast.''

''Okay, maybe I do.''

''Since when?''

''First day of school. He was dorky and cute, but somehow Allison managed to beat me. I guess by her looks'' I smiled sadly.

''Hey, you are the most prettiest girl. Any guy will be lucky to have you''.

''You're just saying that because you're my dad''.

''True, but still. It's the truth. Here's an advice, if Scott doesn't realise how you really feel for him, then he's not the one. And that means I could beat him up for you" he finished making me laugh at last part of his sentence.

Luna Krasikeva HaleDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora