Chapter 15

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Why was there knocking coming from the front door? It is way too early and I am way too tired to deal with the person knocking on the door. I waited for the knocking to stop but whenever I thought it was over it would start up again. Groaning I slowly opened my eyes.

The living room was a mess. Food wrappers, soda cans, and popcorn littered the floor along with pillows and blankets. I recognized Georgia's sleeping form beside me. She was snoaring loudly, dead to the world. Groggily I stood up stretching my muscles which were soar from sleeping on the floor. Another round of knocking game from the front door reminding me of the reason I'm awake. "I'm coming!" My voice called out, scratchy from sleeping.

I slowly made my way over to the front door. Stopping I found the TV remote and turned to turn off the now blue screen. Geez, how many movies did we end up watching?

I shook the thought from my head and continued to my destination, the front door.

"Hello, how may I-" I began to say as I opened the door but froze when I realized who was standing on the other side. "Jack?" I mumbled.

He started to say something but I didn't let him finish, I only slammed the door on him. If I wasn't awake before I definitely was now. What was he doing here this early?

My eyes widened in shock when I realized what I must look like right now. I turned around swiftly looking into the hallway mirror. My hair was a tangled mess, my mascara had made raccoon eyes, and I had drool marks on the side of my mouth, not to mention I only had on a big t-shirt and my undies. "Oh fuck." I swore. While making my way back into the living room I searched for my shorts while I desperately tried to fix my hair.

"Aha, bingo." I exclaimed picking up my shorts from under one of the blankets. I had probably tossed them off in the middle of the night. Looking in to the mirror I managed to rub off the drool, and my mascara raccoon. I finished fixing up my bun, then turned back to the front door satisfied enough with my readjusted appearance.

When I re-opened the door, Jack was it mid swing to knock. Stopping himself he brought his hand back and scratched the back of his head. He looked almost flushed, which is ironic because he wasn't the one who had just woken up.

"Rosie...uh... Good morning!" He rushed out to say. I stood stock still as I noticed his usually cool demeanor has vanished and left behind a blushing fool. I liked it.

Trying to stay cool I managed to ask, "Jack, what are you doing here so early?"

"Well you know what they say... Early bird gets the worm." He said avoiding my question.

"Is this all you knocked on my door for? Because I could really use a couple more hours of sleep..." I trailed off beginning to shut the door, despite my hearts protest to keep it open.

Jack's hand darted out catching the door from closing. His blush was gone. "No, that is not all I came here for."

Our eyes met and I felt like he was trying to tell me something through the look he was giving me, but I was clueless. His eyes glanced down to my lips then glanced back to my eyes as if regaining focus.

"Do you like coffee?"

Still wrapped up in his gaze I had to shake my head clear to understand what he was asking. "Yeah?"

"Would you come with me now to grab some?" He asked. He still had a hand on the door but he didn't need to apply any force. I wasn't shutting the door on him now.

Wait... Jack wanted me to join him for coffee? I stared back at him. I must've heard him wrong. Me going to get coffee with Jack? Ridiculous. I thought of the possibility of me actually going with him then I thought of Georgia.

"Georgia... She's um still inside sleeping. I can't just leave her here..." I tried to explain. Maybe my excuse was liable, Georgia was in my house sleeping, she was left vulnerable, and I had to stay to watch over her.

Jack's determined face softened a bit but then a hand was placed on my shoulder. "Actually, Georgia's awake and fully functional now, so you two can run off to get coffee." Georgia winked at both me and Jack.

"So is that a yes on the coffee?" Jack asked looking back down to me. I couldn't help but smile back up at him. What was this boy doing to me? "Yes, coffee sounds good. But first let me change."


We ended up deciding to walk down to Dot's Coffee shop, which was about a block away and had decent enough tasting coffee.

It was chilly out and despite pulling on my blue hoodie I was still shivering at the wind that blew at us. Trying to focus on walking straight and not shivering I had almost forgotten Jack was there. It was only when he nudged me over to his other side that I remembered his presence.

"There you should be a bit warmer on this side." He smirked down to me. He was right, though, I could barely feel the wind now. Jack's body blocked most of it.

I blushed pushing a strand of hair behind my ear. "Thanks, but I was fine before." I lied trying to seem like I could handle myself even though his actions melted my heart. Jack chuckled but continued to lead the way.

"Sure you were." He smirked.

I was about to say something back when we reached Dot's and Jack held the door open for me to walk through, which I did letting him follow me in.

The place was close to empty other than a few elderly men, getting an early shot of coffee. The barista was busy cleaning out the ice machine when we reached the counter. Jack cleared his throat to get some service. The women, who was probably reaching her fifties, turned to look at us. "One moment dears, I'm almost done." She mumbled a string of curses while popping the lid back on before she made her way over to the counter wiping her wet hands on her apron.

"What can I get for you two love birds?"

I could feel my cheeks heat up. "Oh were not togeth-" Jack nudged me with his elbow shutting me up before he ordered for both of us.

"How did you know I liked my coffee black?" I asked Jack forgetting the insinuation made by the old women before.

Jack slid into the opposite side of the booth, placing his cup onto the table. I followed suit. "You know, you are quite the regular at Toasties?" He winked.

"So you are stalking me." I smirked.

"I wouldn't say stalking, more like taken an interest in." He explained his eyes never leaving mine. I laughed.

"So tell me more about this interest of yours..."

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