Chapter 22

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Chapter 22

The boys were coming out to the bus anytime now and their families and us girls waited anxiously to congratulate them. Teams and other parents walked past checking out our small group of people before they walked into the rink. I'm sure we were a sight to see, all of us ecstatic and jumpy from the game we just watched. 

"Some game your boyfriend and his buddies played." I jumped looking over to see Carter and Brendan standing behind me.

I looked for help from Georgia but she was busy talking to Jess a couple feet away. Taking a breath I turned back to face the Harland boys. "He did, didn't he? Played way better then both of you combined I bet."

Did I really just say that? What has gotten into me? First the cheering, now the confident comebacks.

"Oh, just as feisty as you were the other day. I like it." Brendan said. I resisted the urge to cower away. I had to maintain confidence to let them know they weren't affecting me. But when Carter reached out to touch me I flinched away.

I took another glance at the doors to see if Jack was coming out, but there was no sign of him. Where was he when I needed him?

"I'd like it if you'd leave me alone now." I bit back hoping they'd leave.

"You heard her, get lost." Talon stepped in between me and the other team. He took the same posture Jack had taken many times before and the Harland Raiders pretended to not look intimidated.

I smiled at their discomfort. "We were just leaving, no need to cause a ruckus." Carter said throwing his hands into the air before leading his team away.

It was quiet for a moment before Talon spoke. "Before you think anything, just understand that I didn't do this for you. Jack would've killed me if I let those guys harass you." He said before stalking past me and towards the bus. I watched him walk away and caught the small nod he gave Jack which Jack returned when they passed each other.

Talon stood up for me? Well technically for Jack, but still he had gotten rid of the Harland Raiders. He didn't have to. He could've let Jack deal with it, but he didn't. He took care of it himself. Talon, maybe a major dick but I know now that maybe sometimes he can be slightly less of one.

"You okay?" Jack asked when he reached me.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I say shaking my thoughts away. "You won!" I squealed in attempt to lighten the mood.

"It was because of you." He says. "You told me to kick their asses so we did."

Jack grinned smugly dropping his hockey bag onto the ground beside him. He then reached his hands out and gripped my waist pulling me closer to him. My breathing increased and my face heated up.

Noticing my reaction Jack smiled before bringing a hand up to caress my cheek.

"Hey Lovebirds! Wait 'til we get back to the hotel to have your moment. I need a shower." Cole shouted jokingly out to us. Breaking eye contact I glared at Cole while Paisley punched his chest lightly.

"You shush, let them have their moment." She says giving him a stern look.

I giggled and Jack released his hold on me. "It's okay moment's over now." Jack teased rolling his eyes at Cole.


"There I was, seconds left of the game. It was all dependent on me..." Cole told his game story again to the old ladies a table over from ours.

After showers and change of clothes the team went out for dinner and ended up at Chipotle Mexican Grill. I haven't eaten here since the last time I visited seattle five years ago with my dad. He'd always make sure we made a stop here before we left the city.

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