Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

I had gotten to the game early foolishly hoping I could talk to Jack before the game. I didn't even know what I'd say if I did have the chance. I only knew I spent the whole night and day thinking of the smile he gave me last night and how he notices me at the games.

It's ridiculous how much he's popped in my mind today. I don't even like him, at least I don't think I do.

I was brought out of my thoughts when whoops and hollers echoed throughout the arena. There weren't many people here yet, and the hockey boys took the advantage of the opportunity to act wild.

The team excitedly skated around the rink in their hockey gear. Their coach was no where to be seen, probably in his office doing last minute preps for the game. I watched as Cole, Talon, and Kane lapped the rink with their hockey sticks in hand before they grabbed a pile of pucks and threw them out onto the ice. The boys dived in and started their warm-ups.

I scanned the rink for Jack, but I couldn't find him. Where was he? He asked if I was going to be at the game and then he wasn't even going to show up? I sighed, leaning against the railing near the entrance to the rink.

"You came." I jumped. Jack was standing next to me about to go out onto the ice. I didn't even notice him walk-up.

I blushed. "Yeah, I did." I mumbled looking down at my shoes.

"Good, I'm glad. We don't play the same when you aren't." He bit his lip and glanced out at his teammates.

"I'm sure." I said doubtfully.
"Shouldn't you be out there warming up?" I nodded towards the ice. Jack sighed then slowly let the corners of his mouth lift up. He took a step towards the ice.

"I'm headed there now just had to make a pit stop" Jack turned back at me and winked.

My heart stuttered. He only winked but it felt like more. I cleared my throat trying to get my heart back on track. I smiled. "Well get out there and kick some ass then."

Jack chuckled. "Oh you know we will."

With that he skated out onto the ice, joining his team in their warm-up. I rolled my eyes then went to my normal seat.

* * * *

It was 3-0, we were winning. The game had gone by smoothly so far but with only five minutes left in the last period the Ice Rays grew anxious and aggressive.

There was no chance they could catch up but they tried their hardest and attempted to make cheap shots. Each time one of our boys had the puck the Ice rays would shoulder check them into losing it. If it wasn't a shoulder it was a stick in the face. The Ice Rays were throwing every dirty move at us in hopes of redeeming themselves.

Even though he knew they had the game in the bag, Jack grew more furious with every hit he'd taken by the Ice Rays. You could see the frustration in his eyes and I constantly caught him glancing up at me before returning his focus to the game.

Three minutes left and I just wanted the game to be over with. All the shoulder checking and hard hits made me wince, I couldn't take it anymore. I got up to wait for the game to end outside but then I stopped when I heard yelling and cheering. I looked back out onto the ice to see Jack and one of the Ice Rays facing off. They had already thrown their gloves off and held each other by the neck. It was clear both were chirping insults back and forth.

The Ice Ray was in the middle of saying something when Jack threw a fist into his jaw. Even though the crowd covered any sound that came from the rink I could imagine the sound of the guy's nose cracking.

The two guys flew into a fury of punches and pushes. The Ice Ray player decked Jack in the mouth busting open his lip. Something in Jack snapped. His eyes turned dark and he threw the Ice Ray player to the ground before continuing to punch him as hard as he could. Jack was so caught up in his anger that it took all three refs to pull him off of the opponent lying on the ground.

Jack's jersey was ruffled and his hair was sticking up wildly without his helmet which lay to the side of the two boys. Jack"s lip was bleeding but despite the blood he forced a scowl onto his face as the refs pushed him out of the rink. He was kicked out of the rest of the game.

It was obvious he was pissed. Whether there was two minutes left on the clock or not I knew Jack enough to know he'd rather die of the flu than miss the end of a hockey game. Before Jack completely left the rink he punched the glass to the side of the entrance. Even in the small moment he managed to find my eyes, giving me this look of... something I couldn't explain. But it was only a glance then he turned and headed towards the locker room.

Knowing the game would take a while to get back on track, even with only two minutes left, I walked towards the lockerroom unnoticed.

I didn't know what I was doing. I wasn't thinking obviously, but I felt something in me pulling me to Jack. So as I reached the locker room I took a deep breath then walked in to confront Jack.

"Fuck!" I heard him yell as a spare hockey glove flew past my face hitting the wall behind me. Jack had his back to me while he was trying to shove all of his things in his bag. "That stupid punk... Got me kicked out!" He grumbled to himself while throwing his helmet to the floor. He reached up to take off his jersey and I decided now would be the right time to clear my throat.

Jack froze, turning to face me. His face didn't change but I could tell by his eyes I had caught him by surprise.

"Why are you in here? You're not supposed to be in here." He growled, anger rolling off his tongue.

"I don't know why I'm here, maybe I wanted to make sure you're okay."

"Don't worry. That kid barely laid a hand on me. You can leave now." He bit harshly at me. My heart raced and I had to bite my tongue to keep me from saying something I'd regret.

"If he barely touched you, then why is your lip still bleeding." I asked pointing to the blood dripping from the side of his bottom lip.

"This?" He pointed directly at his lip. "Is nothing. See, it doesn't even- Shit!" He winced as he poked his busted lip.

"Here, let me clean it up." I took a step towards him but he immediately stopped me. I gave him a questioning look but his face remained in a glare. I didn't understand this Jack he was so different than the one I had gotten to see the other night.

"I'm fine, Rosie." He said.

Him saying my name should not have this much effect on me, but I couldn't help my quickening heartbeat and the rising heat flowing into my cheeks. "No, you're not. Now, let me clean your lip and i'll leave."

Jack sighed and gave in. I led him over to the only locker room sink and sat him down on a near bench. I grabbed the hand towel hanging next to the sink, dipped it under the faucet, then sat in front of Jack. He was watching me carefully making me feel self-conscious of my actions. "This may sting a little." I whispered.

I held my hands steady as I reached up cautiously and dabbed the towel over his lip. He winced and try to pull away but I held onto his chin. Our eyes met and I knew he felt something too when our skin touched.

Ignoring the feelings bubbling inside of me I continued to clean of the blood.

"Why did you fight anyway?" I asked, hoping for a response.

"He said some stupid shit and he pissed me off. I swear I would've killed him if the stupid moth-" He gritted his teeth anger filling him again.

"Sh. Stay still." I warned lightly brushing the cloth over his lip. "Okay...all done." I exclaimed bringing the towel down and examining his lip. My other hand reached up to touch it but Jack grabbed a hold of my wrist and pulled me to him across the bench.

The look in his eyes ignited something in me and I felt a burning desire to kiss his lips. Maybe I was going crazy but I felt as if Jack felt it too. Our faces were inches apart and the space between us seemed to decrease. We were so impossibly close I could see the flecks of green in his hazel eyes and could feel his breath upon my face.

My eyes fluttered closed as he started to lean in. His lips brushed mine and lingered. "Please... Just k-" I started to whimper out before I was cut off as shouting filled the locker room as the team filed in.

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