Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

"Ro, mom says you're gunna be late for school if you don't get up..." Addie, my six year old sister, called to me. I could hear her breathing as she stood in my doorway while she rocked back and forth making the floorboards creak. She wouldn't go away until I acknowledged her. Groaning I threw the covers off of me, slid my feet out of bed, placed them on the floor, and ran a hand through my hair before looking up at Addie.

She was already dressed in her school uniform and her curly hair was tied back in a braid. I met her eyes with a glare that I knew she didn't deserve but it was the only way to get her to leave. "Okay, I'm awake, now go finish getting ready." I told her. Addie only nodded before gradually turning around and walked down the hall.

I rubbed a hand across my face and looked at the time. It was seven twenty. If I didn't leave in the next ten minutes I would get stuck in the morning traffic. I groaned.

* * * *

Somehow I made it downstairs in 5 minutes. My mom was still in the shower which left Addie at the kitchen table eating a bowl of cereal. "Have you packed your lunch?" I asked her while walking to the fridge to pull out a go-gurt to eat on the way to school. Addie shook her head. "No, I can't reach the peanut butter to make my sandwich." She muttered.

"Here, I'll make your sandwich. I have time." I said. I reached into the pantry and grabbed the peanut butter on the second highest shelf. Addie had already gotten out two pieces of bread so I grabbed a knife and stuck it into the peanut butter jar. The peanut butter spread itself across the bread and soon enough I put the pieces of bread together. Picking the sandwich up I placed it into a plastic bag before putting it in Addie's lunch pail. "All done, Ad. Now i've got to run. Have a good day!" I called to her as I left the kitchen to grab my car keys and my backpack from the front entryway.

"Bye Rosie! You have a good day too!" I heard Addie call to me before I shut the door to the house.

* * * *

I barely made it to school before the bell rang. The morning traffic caught up to me and the wreck on the interstate didn't help the flow of cars either. If I had left any later I would've been twenty minutes late for sure.

I rushed through the crowd of people trying to reach my locker. I had left my government book in it and we had an open notes quiz today. Let's just say I need that book. My locker came into view and surrounding it was a group of hockey players. I recognized a few from the game on Friday but one in particular stood out to me, Jack Vella.

He wasn't wearing sweats anymore and was dressed quite nicely in a red and black flannel with some khaki pants. He looked good, like incredibly good, and when he looked up at me I couldn't help but blush. I figured he'd say hi or nod or acknowledge me in someway as I made my way to my locker but he did nothing. He simply looked back at his friends and continued his conversation.

A feeling of disappointment flooded me, but I promptly shrugged it off. A guy like Jack Vella wouldn't speak to me unless I was in mortal danger. When he saved me the other night, it was just something he would've done for anyone in that situation. I wasn't special, I knew that.

"It felt so good to whoop the Red Devil's asses on Friday. Those plugs push my buttons and they needed to be shut up." I heard Cole Arnold say. The others agreed and then I heard Jack speak. "Tell me about it, they think they can do whatever they want. I even had to show them whose boss after the game when they hung around." I glanced at him and he was smirking at his friends. Then, he glanced my way and his smirk faltered a bit. He shook his head clearing whatever he was thinking before placing another smirk among his lips.

"That's my man, Vella. Showing people that no one messes around on our turf." Another of his friends exclaimed. They laughed and began to walk away. I stared after them waiting-hoping to see Jack look back at me, but he kept on walking.

The bell rang as I began to open my locker. I cursed, there was no government book and now I was late for class.

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