Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

"You definitely did not beat me." Jack said unbuckling his buckle to climb out of the go-kart. He then walked over to mine and surprisingly offered me a hand. I smiled taking it. He pulled me up effortlessly, as if I weighed nothing. I glanced down to his arms to see if his muscles were that big, but I shook my head. I had an argument to win.

"I most certainly did. Face it you were beaten." I mocked leading the way off of the track. The hockey boys had already left, scattering into their own groups. I looked around for Georgia but she must've went off with one of them.

Jack scoffed. He was walking close behind me. "It was a tie, if anything!" He protested.

I turned to face him, continuing to walk backwards. He was smirking, refusing to admit he had lost. "We both know I clearly won, you are just a sore loser."

"Woah... Wait, i'm not the sore loser here, that's you." He pointed to me with his index finger.

"You're in den-" My words were cut of when my foot tripped on a bump in the pavement and I began to fall backwards. I let out a squeal, prepared to hit the ground.

Before I could feel the ground under me hands were wrapped around my upper arms stopping my fall. With my heart racing I opened my eyes to see Jack holding me up. I prayed he wouldn't let me go, even though I was only inches from the ground now. He was smirking at my clumsiness.

I had to say something, and quick. "T-thanks!" I rushed out in a winded voice. Jack's eye brows lifted, almost mocking me. I cleared my throat.

"You can... um... pull me up now." I said. However, Jack didn't move.

He continued to hold me up. His arms had to be killing him by now, but he didn't show any signs of weakness. He smirked. "I will... Once you admit that I won the race."

"But you didn't."

"I did, but I could just let you drop..." He pretended to let go, making my body jolt up then down. I squealed. Grabbing onto his forearms.

I ignored the tingling in my stomach from where our skin touched.

"Okay, okay. You won! Barely though." I admitted in defeat.

Satisfied with my answer Jack lifted me up and back into a standing position, but his hands didn't leave me. Instead they moved to my waist. I held my breath at his contact. He had pulled me close to him, and I knew if I looked up his face would be directly in front of mine.

"Rosie..." He said, his voice low and deep.

How is it that we always wound up in these situations? He acted as if he didn't care one second then the next he's catching me from falling. Why do we feel this pull to each other?

My heart was beating loudly and I knew I had to say something before it would combust. I said the first thing that came to mind. "I like you when you're playful like this." It came out too fast and I wanted to take it back but it was too late. My cheeks flushed at my comment and I bit my lip.

"I mean, like I feel like I actually understand you when you act like this. But then you um... flash back to your mean state. And I get confused. You're hot one second then cold the next. But when your playful like this I'm not confused and I'm n-" I cut myself off. I was babbling and I could hear Jack laughing.

His arms were still around me and I tried to push them away, but his hold only increased keeping me trapped there. I looked up to him. He was biting his lip, the scar from his fight yesterday was still evident, though it was healing fast.

"You're cute when you ramble." Jack said. My cheeks heated and I was about to say something back but he kept going. "And I don't mean to confuse you."

I was speechless. He was staring at me like I was the only thing he could see. "I try to resist you... But somehow I can't." He whispered decreasing the space between us.

"That's why you ignore me."

"Mhm." He answered bring out faces closer.

"What are you doing?" I asked, already knowing the answer.

"Finishing what I started last night, I'm done trying to hold back..." He trailed off his breath brushing across my face.

"Jack...I-" I whispered but was cut off when his lips met mine.

The world melted away and I forgot everything other than Jack. His kiss was gentle and inviting. His arms tightened around my waist pulling me even closer to him. My hands tentatively traveled up to wrap around his neck.

It was like nothing I've ever experienced and I felt entranced. His lips were soft and they moved against mine effortlessly. I stretched on my tiptoes wanting more.

Suddenly a throat was cleared and we both jumped apart.

"Looks like the Captain actually does have a thing for the fan." Talon said harshly glancing to me then back to Jack.

Jack was glaring at Talon. Something I hadn't ever seen him do to one of his closest teammates. It didn't last long though because then Cole and Kane came along to stand beside Talon.

"What's with the glare-down, save that for laser tag." Kane said lightening the mood.

Talon broke out of it, putting a fake smile on his face. "Yeah, laser tag, right... You joining us Capt. or would you rather stay here with your number one fan?"

Ouch, that hurt. Was I really considered Jack's number one fan? I just liked hockey that's all.

I saw Jack tense beside me at Talon's words. I resisted the urge to reach out and run my hand across his skin to soften the tension, but that would only make matters worse. So I stood in silence before spotting Georgia coming over with Tanner and a few other of the Hockey boys.

She caught my eye, glancing back and forth between Jack and I before giving me a thumbs up. I rolled my eyes, now is not the time.

Jack snapped out of it seeing his other teammates arrive. "Let's go play some Laser tag then. " He changed subjects quickly ignoring Talon and smiling up at Cole and Kane before following them into the laser tag building, which was only a couple of feet from me and Jack were standing.

Stunned, I reached up feeling my numb lips as everyone walked on by. It feels as if that hadn't just happened. And I wouldn't believe it did with the way Jack just left.

"Rosie!" I heard a voice call my name. Looking up I saw Jack holding the door open for his teammates as they filed in. "C'mon you're on my team!" He smiled.

I couldn't help but smile brightly as I began to walk towards him. "You better hurry, you're lover boy is waiting for you..." I jumped when Georgia whispered in my ear as she walked past me. She only winked before disappearing into the laser tag building.

I reached the doorway stopping to look at Jack. He was smirking. "After you, Rosie."

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