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Eosophobia means Fear of the Dawn. This is the Tenth and final chapter to the story. There shall be another! Doctor Who does not belong to me but the BBC.


Dorothy’s Dreamscape

Horror filled the room as Dorothy stood up on her hind legs.  Edward glowered at his Tenth self snarling at his cool, calm composure.  Nancy ran up to her mother and hugged her.  Why was it her this time?  Did this mean she was not too far behind?  Nancy asked herself as she soothed Dorothy by stroking her fur and murmuring in her ear.  

Gritting his teeth Edward strode powerfully up to his Tenth self, stretched out his arm and used telekinetic energy to throw his former manifestation against the wall.  The slight man flew up to the ceiling, bumped his head and slipped back down to the floor - though this was not enough to knock him unconscious.  Growling, the other Master stood up and, with a smirk on his lips and a nasty gleam in his eyes thrust the black velvet clad villain against the other wall.

“Stop it!” Jo cried stamping her foot.  “Doctor?”

“Dorothy,” Badger Beard sighed gently as his future self was recovering, “it is clear which of us is more powerful.  Look at me,” Dorothy kept her face hidden in Nancy’s hair.  “Come on, Dorothy!” she twisted her head but Nancy raised her hand to her mother’s neck to prevent her from glancing at this man.  “How about you, Miss Nancy?”  

“Drop dead!” she snapped closing her eyes as she did so.

Edward focussed his attention on the man before him whilst rooting about in his pockets for his favourite weapon.  Where was it?  The Tenth Master giggled slightly.  “Looking for this?” he asked producing the Tissue Elimination Compressor from his grey trouser pocket, “how can you even consider that you are as good as I am?”

Shaking his head Edward growled as he rose up.  Eyes glowing golden. Mouth curled in a snarl showing glinting pointed teeth.  Jo screamed but fear and curiosity kept her looking at the two men fighting over Dorothy.  The same man in different forms.  The Doctor scowled at the Two Master’s brawling.  The Doctor hardly dared show outward fear as too many people over time came to trust him.

“I am Dorothy’s and she is mine!” Edward growled as he pounced on top of his former self.  

“I am getting tired of being flung to the floor!”

Edward raised a hand but could not swipe at this man’s throat, for, when he glanced up, The Doctor had raised his umbrella and hooked it around his wrist.  Following the slim, black line to the man that held it.  Concern shone in his eyes: “Go to Dorrrothy!” he exclaimed, “you shall be destroying everyone, including her!”

“This is not of your concern, Doctor!” The Tenth Master laughed, his amber eyes sparkling with the absurdity of his statement.  “Let us fight amongst ourselves.”

Snarling Edward backed off and immediately became Gallifreyan again.  “Doctor!” he said inclining his head before he went to join Dorothy.  

Cold laughter filled the room scaring everyone in the small, cramped place.  The only exception was Leela who gritted her teeth imagining, dreamily to herself, wrapping her hands around the person’s throat.

“Now one has found his soul he must pay the toll!”

Edward paled and ran to Dorothy and Nancy - only to have them both slump against each other, falling asleep and disappearing.


The voice giggled: “Now we have Dorothy and Nancy to the end of our game must be!”

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