Part 11

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Hailey's POV:

I start to hear a lot of beeping noises around me, and I realize that I'm at Med, even though I can't open my eyes. My lungs slowly start to breathe on their own, and then I get my sense of touch. Eventually I open my eyes, and it takes a second before they adjust. I look to my left and see a lot of monitors, which would explain all the beeping. I feel something warm on my right arm, and I look over to see jay fast asleep, his head in the crook of my arm, holding my hand tightly in his. I don't move, just watch him sleep until Will comes to check on me.

"Oh good, you're awake," Will says quietly so he doesn't wake up Jay. "So the reason why you passed out was just hunger and dehydration, easy to fix, but how are you feeling mentally? I can get Dr. Charles to check up on you if you want."

"Honestly, I feel fine. Not 100%, but I'll be okay." And I really do feel fine, maybe Jay has more of an effect on my safe being than I realized, and I look over at him. Will notices and leaves to give us some space. I shift my arm to get Jay to wake up because I really want to talk to him and let him know I'm okay.

Jay's POV:

I feel Hailey shift her arm underneath my head, sit up, and see her looking at me.

"You're awake!" I say, the happiest I've probably ever been. I smile at her and she smiles back at me. "You're okay, right? I kinda fell asleep before Will could tell me exactly what was going on."

"Yeah, I'm okay," Hailey says. "Just hunger and dehydration, easy to fix."

"But you're okay up here?" I tap on her head. She laughs.

"Yes, I'm fine. You being here has really helped me." She pulls on my hand to get me to snuggle next to her, so I do.

"I'm glad I could help Hails." I see her grin at the use of the nickname that only I am allowed to call her. I kiss her gently and hold her tightly. "We're gonna be okay."

So this is the end y'all :( but it's okay because One Chicago returns next week 😆. I hope y'all enjoyed it, also I have another Upstead fic in the works so I'll publish that starting Friday the 13th or the week after.

Yours Truly - UpsteadDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora