Part 1

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Disclaimer: I don't own any of these characters, they belong to the One Chicago franchise. I do, however, own the plot, as I wrote it myself.

Hailey's POV:

I step off the plane at O'Hare, feeling at home already. It's 9:00pm on a Friday night and since the FBI didn't need me in New York anymore, I decided to come home a day early to surprise everyone, figuring I would meet then at Molly's to see the glorious looks on their faces, especially Jay's. I suddenly realize that I've been standing at the gate thinking for a while, and I rush to go pick up my luggage.

Jay's POV:

As the rest of the team leaves for Molly's, I stay behind at the bullpen to do extra paperwork. When I told the team I was going to stay longer and then just head home, they looked at me like I was insane. I didn't feel like explaining to them that I want to free up tomorrow evening as much as possible because Hailey is coming back then. They would just make fun of me and say that I'm in love with her. I mean, they're not wrong, but they don't need to know that. It's not like anything's going to happen.

Hailey's POV: 

Once I grab my luggage, I start walking towards the airport parking lot, glad that I decided to drive myself so I wouldn't have to wait for a taxi. I get the feeling that someone is following me so I glance over my shoulder, but I don't see anyone so I continue walking. I finally reach my car, turn on the engine, and start driving to Molly's. On the way, I smile to myself, thinking about how I'll get to see Jay for the first time in two weeks, and the rest of the team, of course. I finally get there, park my car, and walk through the door.

"Hailey!" Kim exclaims. "You're finally back!" She gets up to hug-attack me, and we both laugh. Atwater comes and hugs us both.

"You're home early!"

"Yeah, I came to surprise everyone! Where's Jay and Adam?" I ask

"I'm right here," says Adam. "I'm holding beers though, so I can't hug you."

The disappointment must have shown on my face when I didn't see Jay behind Adam, and Kim explains, "He said that he was going to stay at the district a little longer and then he was going home."

Jay's POV: 

Now that I'm sitting in my apartment alone, I regret not going with the team to Molly's. At least I'd be distracted, instead of drinking beer alone, wallowing in my thoughts of Hailey. At least she's coming back tomorrow. I start thinking of ways I could surprise her with Bartoli's. I couldn't pick her up at the airport because she's driving herself. I could invite her to my place, but she might get the wrong idea. As I continued coming up with ideas, the doorbell rang, interrupting my train of thought. It's probably just Will, I thought to myself, as I stride over to the door and carelessly throw it open.

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