Part 10

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Jay's POV:

"Jay . . ." Hailey whispers, before she passes out in my arms. I grab my radio.

"5021 George I've got an officer down, roll an ambo to our location."

Voight runs in. "Hey, is she okay?"

"She seems uninjured, but she passed out. I've got an ambo on the way, one minute out." I adjust Hailey in my arms so I can carry her out to the ambo. Once I get there I lay her on the stretcher.

"Hailey, can you hear me?" I say, shaking her shoulder gently.

"Jay, I need you to move out of the way, please. We need to load her and go." Brett says.

"I'm going with Hailey!" I yell out for anyone to hear, and climb into the back of the ambo. We soon arrive at Med and rush into the ER.

"Jay? What happened?" I look up to see Will.

"Hailey was kidnapped and she seems uninjured but she passed out and she won't wake up," I say in one breath, barely getting the words out, fighting back tears.

"Jay, it's okay, I got her. You need to wait out here though." Will gestures to the waiting room. I nod sombrely and turn towards the waiting room as a tear escapes from my eye and rolls down my cheek. 

Sorry again for the short chapter. Hope y'all are still enjoying the story though.

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