"Before we get there tell me exactly how it happened. I need to text his Father." I tell Liam before I pull up his fathers contact.

"It maybe an hour after you fell asleep. Harry and I were talking about how we could get to the Mansa daughter." He starts and I pause between my text.

"Did you close the curtains like I asked?" I ask and he rolls his eyes.

"Yes weirdo. That's beside the point." He groan swerving onto a street. He whips back and forth through cars with ease.

"That's when the door burst open and they sent in a smoke bomb. Harry grabbed knives because we didn't have guns on us. Men swarmed us and before I could grab anything they pinned me down. I don't know if Harry hurt anyone but I know they got him." He says and I felt my heart race and I felt my face get hot. How dare they take Harry?

My boyfriend was in the hands of evil idiots? Did the mansa daughter do all of this? Did she know about my apartment? Were we followed? I search my mind looking for a loophole but we were too discreet.

"I chased after them when they let me go but they were too fast. And I didn't want innocent bystanders caught between crossfires." He says and we travel down a long abandoned road.

"Was he hurt?" I ask and Liam looks to me as sees my worried expression. I couldn't imagine how angry Harry was because let's face it we know he isn't scared.

"Well to my knowledge he was fine." He says and I sigh.

How did this happen so fast?




"So what's our plan?" I ask Liam as we park on the side of the factory which we found out was a coal factory. It looked dangerous and surrounded by bob wire and fences.

"I think we should just walk up there and demand to speak to someone." He says and I cock my head at the bullshit Liam just said.

"Excuse me but did you just say we walk up there and ask them to pretty please to speak with the Mansa's?" I say and he nodded.

"Yeah. We could see if we could negotiate." Liam says and then smiles like he figured out the solution.

"Why do you like to piss me off!" I say repeatedly hitting him as he backs away from me shielding himself as I scold him in front of the factory.

"-the stupidest shit I've ever heard!" I say and we both freeze when we hear the creaking of a gate. We both stop and turn to see two men walking towards us in bulletproof vests, armed and shields.

"Are you both Niall Horan and Liam Payne?" They asks and I gulp hard before I look to Liam. I give him a certain look.

"Yes. We believe you have something that belongs to us." I say and Liam nods standing beside me.

"Miss Amani is expecting you." They say before turning and walking back towards the entrance as we follow.

Once we entered the factory I realized it looked like a regular factory. Workers were around doing various tasks and men dressed like the ones escorting us were keeping watch.

We follow them to the basement area to a series of rooms and we approach a room at the end of the hall. The guard on the left knocks a special and made up knock before he turns the knob pushes through to a room.

We walk inside to see a room with a desk and two chairs.

"Be seated." The say to us and we follow suit. They both exit and shut the door. It was followed by a drilling noise when I realized they locked us in here.

The door in the corner finally opened when more men came through followed by a woman, the same older woman form earlier in cuffs and wait-


Wait! The older lady? What the hell was going on?

I thought the team found Amanda! The gang said they found her! Did they lie? Were they traitors as well? What the hell was Amanda doing in the Mansa's factory?

Why was the lady here?!

"Oh good. You're here." The woman says taking her seat behind the desk along with the older woman who stood behind her.

"I am Mani Mansa. The eldest daughter of three." She smiles and I felt my heart rate start to race. No way!

The mansa daughter herself! She was foolish to be in our presence fully armed? She took Harry.

"I've got to say the Styles are a very hardcore family but they aren't that bright." She smiles before she pulls on the chain connected to the woman's cuffs.

"You see. I knew you were in town the very moment you showed up." She says and I turn to look at Liam before turning back. I was careful not to show any emotion.

"You didn't think my team wouldn't see a huge Styles private jet fly in? God and to think you didn't even know I was here at first. You see, Amanda was my informant. She turned over when Zayn died and start feeding us all the secrets we needed to know about Harry. Even about his esteemed bodyguard." She says and I look to Amanda to see her looking emotionless as always.

"See I didn't know about Safaa but when she reached out to me I knew you were trying to find me. Hell I knew Zayn died long before Safaa told me. You didn't think I'd realize when I found her full name?" Safaa tricked us. She had us made way before Harry found out.

"But the most foolish move of all was when you killed her thinking she'd tie up your loose end. Silly boy." She says and stands dragging the older woman with her.

"I knew I just needed Amanda to point you out. So I placed a camera in your hall for her to identify you. And you foolishly left the apartment this morning! Where you ran into my trap!" She says and I see her smile viciously yanking the woman to the ground.

I search my mind wondering what trap did she mean? What did the lady have to do with it? Wait- the medicine!! Did she-

The woman cries as she places her foot on her back and pulls on her cuffs making her scream in pain.

"You met this woman who gave you a faulty medication my team conjured to make you unconscious long enough to storm into tour building and take Harry!" She says and I felt my heart beat.

I felt defeated. I was the cause Harry was gone. Harry wasn't safer with me. He was in danger with me. I stupidly left him this morning and risked our entire livelihood. I left and set him up.

I'm a failure.

"You Horan's are just pitiful." She curses before she pulls harder making the woman cry.

I couldn't fight my emotion anymore when she said that.

"Who is this woman! Where is Harry?!" I yell at her making the men draw their gun at me which caused Liam to stand and draw his.

"Oh Niall, you poor soul." She says and I watch her smile before I look around and down to the crying woman.

This was all too much at one time but I had to be strong for Harry. I needed to get him and get out of here. I couldn't do this any longer before I snapped. Why was she taunting me?

"It's your poor excuse of a mother."


Two updates in one day???

I know it may be confusing but let's just say The Mansa's had the upper hand all this time and used Niall's mother to take him.

What do you think will happen next?

Love and kisses ;)

Free Spirit // Narry AUWhere stories live. Discover now