33 - "I'm G-gay"

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(I do not own these characters) 

Willie's POV 

Alex and I, just left Julies house, after we had some conversations. 

We begin walking to my house. Hand in hand. 

We talk the whole way to my house. 

I smile to him as we reach my door. 

"well, I guess I'll, see you tomorrow at school." Alex says to me. 

"yeh. I love you" I say to him. 

" I love you too." he says back. Then he leans closer and we share a quick kiss before he leaves. 

I walk up to my front door and enter. I walk to the lounge room and see my dad, wide awake, watching TV. 

"Hello William." he says to me. 

"hey dad......" I say back to him, then I take a deep breathe. ".... Dad can I tell you something?" I ask him. 

He turns to me. "what is it.?" he says to me. 

"well...." I begin, then I swallow. I take a deep breathe before continuing ".... I've known this about myself for a whole now and I-I wanted to tell you that. I'm g-gay" I say to him. Then I look into us eyes and all I see is hatred. 

"get out." he says to me. I don't move. "I said get out. No son of mine can be gay" he screams at me. I feel tears stream down my face. "pack your things, you have 5mins your no longer my son." he says to me

I stand up and ead straight for my room. The tears are uncontrollable now. I grab some of my bags and fill hem with clothes, my phone and my charger. 

I only used two bags. So I exit my room with them hanging from my soudlers. I go towards the front door and see my father, standing there holding the door open for me, waiting impatiently for me to get out. As I exit the house I turn around. My so called father looks me I the eyes and says "your no son of mine", and then e slams he door in my face. 

I begin to walk to the one place I know I'm safe. 

I arrive at my destination, and see the door, and all I have to do is knock, so I do 

Alex answers. 

"hey" I say to him. Tears are already streaming down my face and I can't control it. 

"whats wrong?" he asks. 

"I came out to my dad, he kicked me out of the house." I say to him. 

Alex then steps aside and let's me into the apartment. 

I spot Luke and Reggie sitting on the couch. They turn to me and the smiles that were on her face a few seconds ago disappears. 

" hey guys. "I say to them. 

" hey" they ith say at the same time. 

"you OK willie?" Reggie asks me. 

"not really, I just got kick out of my own home, do you guys mind if I stay with you guys for a while? Just until I find my own place to stay." I say to them

"stay as long as you need" Luke says as he stands up and give me a quick hug before pulling away. 

"thanks" I say to them. 

Alex then takes my bags and put them in his bedroom. 

We all sit on the couch, in silence. 

And some time during the night, we all fell asleep on the couch... 

--next morning --

I wake up and see all the guys up and in their clothes for the day, ready for school. 

"come on, get changed we gotta head to school." Alex says to me calmly. 

I nod and head to my bags and grab out some clothes for the day and change. 

I walk out and put my shoes on. 

"OK, let's go." I say to them. 

We all head ou the door and walk to school,with our bags on out backs. 

We head to our lockers and ten head to the music room. 

When we enter he music room we see Julie and Flynn behind the piano. 

Theyre  singing. It's been so long since I've seen them sing together. 

"hey guys." I say to them. 

They stop and look up at me. 

"hey" Julie says to me. 

We talk for the whole morning until the bell rings. 

For Te rest of the day, I'm miserable,and I try to cheer myself up and that dosent work, even Alex tries to cheer me up and it dosent work. 

I go the whole day not talking to anyone but Alex. 


A/N... OK so..... 

Random. Question time....... 

Who is your favourite character...... 

Nick or Luke? 

Carrie or Caleb.?? 

Julie or Flynn? 

Alex or Reggie?? 

(for me...... Luke, Carrie, Julie, and Reggie.) 

What do you guys think will happen in the next chapter.??

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