48 - "How about this one.?"

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(I do not own these characters) 

Reggie's pov 

(The day after the gender reveal party.) 

I wake up and see Flynn starring at me. 

I turn over so I'm facing her. 

Flynn and I moved into an apartment together about a month ago. 

"gooooooood morning." I say to her. 

She smiles at me. "morning." 

We lay there in bed starring at each other. Then my alarm goes off, telling me I have to go somewhere....... 

I sit up and walk into the bathroom, take a shower then get changed. 

I come out and I see Flynn sitting up in  bed. 

"Where are you going.?" she asks me, and she looks at me with a slightly sad look on her face. 

"It's a surprise" I tell her. 

I crawl onto the bed, and give her a quick kiss on the lips. "I love you. see you later" I say to her. 

"I love you more." she yells out to me. 

"impossible" I yell out to her as I walk out the door. 

I close the door behind me and head to my destination. 

I walk all the way to the café where I see... Alex.

"Hey man, what's up?" I say to him as I sit down.

He looks happy, yet anxious. "well, I was wondering of you could help me with some.......Shopping?" he asks me. 

I look at him for a second. "sure, what for?" i ask him after a while. 

"Well, for an engagement ring .." he says. 

my eyes go wide and a smile creeps onto my face. "You're going to propose to Willie?" 

"Who else would I propose too?" he says as he laugh. 

"alright, well we need to head to the stores now." I say to him. 

He nods at me and we both get up at the same time. 

We begin our walk to head downtown and into the mall. 

we head to one of the first jewellery store. 

"Hello, how can i help you today?" says the lady behind the counter when we enter. 

"Hi, I'm looking for an engagement ring for my boyfriend" Alex says. 

"alright, we have some over here" she says as she moves over to a different display case. 

we go over to where she is standing on the other side. Alex is looking at them all, paying close attention. 

"How about this one.?" Alex asks me as he points to one with rainbow going all around. 

"I think he will love it" I tell him. 

he smiles at me. "Can we get this one please?" he ask the nice lady. 

she unlocks the cabinet and pulls it out and places it on a box. "Good choice. would you like to pay cash or card?" she asks. 

"Card" Alex says as he pulls out his card. 

the lady nods and he pays for it. "Congratulations" she says as we walk out of the store. 

we walk all the way to my apartment. 

"Hey, can you take care of this for me, i don't want willie to find out." he asks me. 

"yeh sure man, just text me when its time" i say as i take to bag out of his hand. 

"alright ill see you later." he says as he leaves. 

"bye" I call out after him as I unlock my apartment door. 

I walk in and see Flynn sitting on the couch. 

"hey babe, how was your walk?" 

"it was fine." I say as I walk into our room. 

Flynn follows me. "What's in the bag?" she asks. 

"Ok, you cant ell anyone, not willlie, not Julie and not Luke." I say to her, she nods her head. "Alex is planning on proposing to Willie." i tell her. 

a wide smile grows on her face. "OMG" is all she says. 

i place the bag down in my bedside table draw, and lay down in bed. 


A/N hey guys, sorry I haven't posted all week I had exams all week, and my anxiety was too high. 

Anyway, what do you guys think about Willex?

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