30 - Prom (2) (Willex)

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(I do not own these characters) 


After the guys and I finish performing I look out into the croud and see Willie smiling at me standing by the exit. Then next thing I know he goes through the door. 

I get iif of the stage and head for the exit. I walk out the door and follow a path led by fairy lights. 

I come to a stop when I see Willie standing outside leaning against the railing. 

"fancy meeting you here" he says as he pushes himself off if the railing and he walks towards me. 

He take my hands in his and looks into my eyes. 

I smile at him. 

Ive decide this morning that I was going to do it. I'm gonna tell him that I love him. 

I'm just nervous he dosent feel the same way. 

"hey willie?" I say

"yeh" he says to me. 

"I have to tell you something......." I begin to say, then I take a deep breathe "... I've wanted to tell you this since the day we were at the park. You are the most important person in my life right now and I don't know what I'd do without you. I love you Willie. " I sah to him. I smile at him nand he looks surprised but a happy surprised. 

" I love you too, Alex. " he says as tear threaten to break through his eyes. 

I place both of my hands on his cheeks and lean in for a kiss. 

Our lips meet in a passionate kiss and it'll all I've ever needed. Some to love me for who I am, some one to care about me. Put lips move in sync and I don't want to stop, but I have to because.... Well..... I need air to breathe. 

I pull back and rest my forehead on his. 

I smile at him and he smiles back at me. 

"love you" I whisper to him

"love you too" he whispers back 

I move my head away from his and hold onto his hands. 

I stare into his eyes and smile bigger than I ever have before. 

"hey, you wanna head inside?" he asks me. 

I nod. 

We begin walking our way back hand in hand. Smiling. 

When we arrive at the door, willie holds it open for me. I smile at him and he smiles back and we re-enter the school gym. 

"ok, voting is only open for another hour before we count them to see who out prom King and Queen are." says a voice from he stage

I look at Willie. 

"come on let's go and find Reggie and Flynn. Aka Relynn." I say to him. 

He just chuckles at the last part and nods. 

We egin walking around, then we spto them. Sitting at some chairs, so we walk up to them.

"hey guys" I say to them as willie and I approach them, hand in hand. 

"hey" Reggie says. 

"mind if we join you.?" I ask them. 

"not at all" Reggie says. 

We sit down at their table and we all begin to talk. 

"OMG I love this song Alex, I'm stealing you." Flynn says to me as she drags me up from my seat and too the dance floor. 

I look back at the table and see Reggie and Willie talking and smile at the sight. 

I look at flynn in front of and I start dance to this really up beat song. Then I see Julie come up to us and join us. 

I look back at the table and see Willie, Luke and Reggie talking and laughing with eachother.

I grab both if the girls hands and spin them around. 

They both laugh at my weird dancing for the whole song. 

The song finishes and we wonder back to our table together. 

I sit down next to Willie and pull my chair in. Then I feel a hand in my thigh. 

I love you OK at Willie and smile. "having fun out there?" he asks me 

"yes" I say to him. He just chuckles at me. 

We all begin talking about anything tha comes to our minds, one minute we're talking about music the next we're talking about college. 

I love my friends. I rest my head in Willie's shoulder. He kisses the top of my head and rests his on top of mine. 

"alright, alright, alright.... We are. Ready to announce prom King and Queen." says the voice who was speaking before. 

"our prom king is............. Luke Patterson and out prom Queen is...... Julie Moline." says the voice into the microphone. 

Luke and Julie head up to the stage and take their crowns. 

Then everyone starts chanting. 

"kiss, kiss kiss kiss kiss" over and over again, even our table joins in. 

Then they both kiss, and everyone starts clapping. 

I never want this night to end... 


A/N OK so the next part is in Reggie's POV. 

How do you like the story so far???? 

Until I met you - JATP Juke FanfictionDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora