4 - The meet up.

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(I do not own these characters) 

A/N what.... Two parts in one day. 

Luke POV

The next morning I wake up at 7am,great I only have half an hour before I meet up with Julie. 

I quickly get changed into some clothes, and write a note for the boys, telling them that I'll meet them at school. 

I exit the house with ten minutes to spare, so I just walk my way to the Cafe. While I was walking, I spot Julie coming out of her house. And might u add she looked adorable today.she was wearing a blue dress with a white t-shirt underneath and matching blue ribbon in her hair. 

I walk up to her. 

"hey Julie." I say all cheery. 

"hey" she says and she looks up at me. "I didn't know you lived around here" she said to me. 

"yeh I do." I said back. 

For the rest of the way to the Cafe, we were silent. A comfortable silence. 

When we arrived, we both ordered a coffee and sat down at a tale with a number so they knew who to go to. 

"So, what's this song you've been working on, maybe I could help finish it?" she says to me. I smile and grab out my song journal from my bag. I open it up to the song I'm working on 'Unsaid Emily' 

"OK so Im kinda stuck on the second verse, I've got everything else, expect for hat one piece of lyrics" I say and look up at her as she reads the song, and bites her lip in consintration as she's reading. 

"well how about this." she says as she grabs out her own note book from her bad and begins writing down a verse. 

Silent days
Mysteries and mistakes
Who'd be the first to break
Guess we're alike that way

I read it in my head and add the songs melody to it." Yeah that works actually." I say and add a chuckle on the end and write down the verse in the song. 

Then out coffees come and we make room becuae of all the books we have out.  Then we both go for the same book at he same time, and our hands touch, and sparks erupt inside my stomach. I quickly move my hand away and she moves the book. "Thanks" we both say. 

We sit in a comfortable silence for a few minutes, until Julie breaks it. 

"Where did u and the guys move from, I've never seen you around before?" she asks me

"I came from Glendale" I say to her. "We all wanted to persur our dreams, and our families didn't support us, so we ran away. We bought an apartment together, and we all work local gigs to pay for rent." is say to her. 

She looks me in the eye, almost like she's looking for something.

"i have an idea...." she says and I just nod for her to tell me what it is. "... We should play an ongoing  game of 20queations.so if either of us randomly have a question we can either ask one another then and there, or if it late message the question." she says, this dosent sound like that bad of an idea to be honest with you. 

"OK, I'll go first. Can I have your phone number?" I ask and add a little smirk on the end of it. I'm never this smooth when talking to anyone. 

"sure it's **** *** ***" she tells me and I type it into my phone and message her a little guiter emoji. Then her phone gose off. And now she's smiling at me. 

"My turn..." She dose this cute little face when she thinks, I almost catch myself staring and I start drinking my coffee. "OK. How long have you been playing guitar and writing songs?" she asks. 

I let out a breathe of air, and try to think back to the first time I wrote a song. "I've been writing ever since I was 8 and I've been playing for 7 years, so since I was nine. How long have you been writing and playing piano.?" I ask. 

"I've been playing ever since I was a toddler, and writing for three years now. But I stopped writing months ago.." she says and looks down. 

"why did you stop writing, if you don't Mingdme asking?" I asked. 

"my mother died a few months ago, and i only wrote peops now, so then when I can write again I wrote those into songs as well." she says. 

"I'm....... So sorry." I say to her. 

Next thing I know I feel my phone buzz in my pocket. I take it out and see a message from the boys. 

(on messages) 

Reggie- dude we're are you. Class starts in ten minutes. 

(off messages) 

"Crap we gotta go to school. Or we're gonna be late" I say to Julie and she gets up as we and we walk all the way to school and are met with both of our friends at the enterence of scho grounds

As soo as me enter, Julie is dragged away by Flynn and Willie. And I'm standing with my friends..

"What were you two up to?" Reggie asks with a raise eyebrow. 

"we met up so we could learn more about eachother. And she hel me finish writing Unsaid Emily." I said to them and then we began walking into school. We went to out lockers. Which are side by side, and got out what we need for our next lesson

Then I got a message from julie. 

(on message) 

Julie🎤- hey, meet me at my house after school it's *** *****Street. 

Luke🎸- hey! Yeh sure. See you then. :) 

Julie🎤- see you then :) 

(off messages) 

I smile down at my phone and put it in my pocket. 

I can't wait for this afternoon. 

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