11 - "Willie... I-"

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(I do not own these characters) 


Yesterday, I came out to Luke, and he supported me.

I want to teel more people that I'm homosexual. But I feel as if I'll get judged and I won't be welcome any more. 

I'm sitting on my bed, when I get a message from a certain someone. 

(On messages) 

Cutie - hey, I'm at the Cafe if you want to meet up.. 

Alex- yeh sure. I'll be there in ten. 

(off messages) 

I get up, go into the bathroom, and I style my hair abit. Once that's done, I go outside and lock the door. I walk down the stairs that lead up to our apartment, then out the garage door, and I start the walk I the Cafe. I haven't seen him since yesterday, and we didn't get to talk that much. 

I arrive at he Cafe, a few short minutes later. I walk in and I see him, sitting at a table with two hot chocolates sat beside him. Since it's like 7:30pm and I don't want to stay up too late were having hot chocs. 

I sit down beside him. "hey" he says to me, and he passes me my drink. 

"thanks" I say to him. I take a sip out of it, and breathe. "so. Um I have something to tell you" I sy to him. 

"what is it, Alex. You can tell me anything." he says to me. He's so sweet. I cant believe I'm about to say this..

I gulp. "I'm gay." I say to him. 

He just smiles at me. " thank you for telling me. You know, I did get those types of vibes from you when we first met." he says. 

"what do you me by 'vibes'?" I ask him. 

"us gays can always tell when another gay is around." he says. 

I'm speechless. 

"wait. Are you gay.?" I ask him. I know I shouldn't be so straight forward about it. 

"well yeh, isn't it kinda obvious?" he asks. Then it all comes together. Everything about him screams gay. 

"I don't really have a really good sense of where other gays are." I say to him. 

"can I tell you something.?" he asks me. I nod. "um... How do I say this. I like you. Like like you like you." he says. 

I like him too, as more than friends. He looks into my eyes, and sees the confusion in them

"it's alright I shouldn't have said anything" he says quickly. 

"Willie... I--" I begin to say. 

"it's ok, I know you don't like me back." he says. 

I can't stand it any more. 

I grab his face and bring his lips to mine. It take him a moment for him to react to what is going on. I wrap my arms around huis neck and try to pull him closer. He just wraps his arms around my waist. We pull apart after a few moments. We rest our foreheads against each other's. "wow" we both say at the same time. Causing us both to laugh. 

I unwrap my arms around his neck and he dose the same with his arms. We get up and walk out of the Cafe together. Hand in hand. 

We get some weird looks from some people,and tat causes me to drop my head down low. Willie squeeses my hand and that causes me to look up at him. He gives me a small smile. 

We walk all the way to my apartment. And stop outside my door. 

"thanks for walking me home." I say. 

"no problem." he says. And starts to turn around 

"hey can I ask you a favour? Can we not tell anyone about..." I gesture between us ".. This yet" I ask him. 

"anything you want." he says and boops my nose.

He begins walking away and I just watch him. He turns around and sends a wink my way which causes me to blush. 

I could get use to this. 

I enter the apartment and see both of the guys standing there. They looked lie they were up to soething.tjen I see how close they are to the door.

Oh no.... 

"Were you guys eavesdropping on me?" I ask them with a raised eye brow. 

They look at one another, almost like they were guilty of something. 

"Alrigt what did you hear?" I ask them. 

"we just heard you say. 'can we not tell anyone bout thus' and that was it. I swear." Reggie admits. 

Luke comes up to him and slaps him in his shoulder with an angry disappointed look in his face. 

"uh... Hey Reggie, can I tell you something out in the hall?" I ask him. 

"yeh sure." he says. 

We step out side where me and Willie were just a short few minutes ago. 

"what's up?" he says

"um...... I just wanted you to know that. I'm gay. And that I'm the same person that I've always been" I say to him. 

He just comes up to me and hugs me. "thank you for telling me" he says. I let out a small sigh. 

"I already told Luke this. And I want to come out to Flynn and Julie, but I just don't know when." I say to him. 

He just nods and walks back in and I follow him. 

I can't wait for tomorrow to come.

Until I met you - JATP Juke FanfictionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora