"Get up" Luke said pulling out his phone. I groaned and sat up. "Hurry up and put your makeup stuff on" he said waiting for me at the door. "For your information I don't wear makeup" I said sitting up. He was about to say something but he didn't.

"Where are we going today?" I said making my way to the washroom to brush my teeth. "We could eat breakfast and then go to middle park?" He said. "I think it's Central Park" I said laughing. "Shut up I don't live in New York" he said. "You don't need to live in New York to know that" I scoffed, "It's common knowledge"

He stuck his tongue out at me as I spat out the remaining toothpaste in my mouth. "That's gross" he said. "You're gross" I said. "It looks like you have rabies" he said. I wiped my face and patted it with a towel. "And I care because..." I said looking towards him. He stayed silent and moved out of the way to let me get out of the washroom.

I looked through my bag and took out some leggings, a black and red flannel, and my doc martens. I hopped over to the washroom and shut the door. "Now let's see if we can do this without going to the hospital" I said to myself.

I put the clothes on with ease and thanked the heavens that I did have another injury this week. I brushed my hair and hopped my way out the door.

"Ready?" Luke said. I hopped over to the table to grab my phone. "Yeah" I said putting it into my pocket. I hopped to the door breathing heavily because hopping from one side of the room to the other is a lot of work. I hopped out the door and Luke closed it without a word.

We hopped to the elevator and I put my back against the wall. "I hate this" I blurted out loud. "What?" He said pressing the button to go to the lobby. "I hate having to hop around like a bunny" I said. "That's not my problem" Luke said. "It partially is" I snapped back. "How?" He said, "Tell me how is this my problem Emily?!"

"Well you-" I paused. I thought of all the reasons of what happened in the first place. I was the one who left. I was the one who decided to go to the park and I was the one who fell off the swings. Luke was never there, he never did anything. It's my fault, it's all my fault. I stayed in silence and Luke scoffed.

"That's what I thought" he said. I turned my head and crossed my arms. We stayed in complete silence until the elevator dinged signalling that we have made it to the lobby.

We walked out awkward silence with Luke taking long strides to the door. I was slower than he was but he wouldn't stop walking. "Wait up!" I said and he stopped. "Are you going to blame me for something else?" He said seeming a little annoyed.

"Not today" I said, "Maybe tomorrow" It was meant to be a joke but he didn't seem amused. He looked at me and looked away. "Fine" I said, "What are we eating for breakfast?" "We could eat at this breakfast place I saw at the corner" Luke said. "Okay" I said. "Where is it?" I asked. "I said at the corner" he said walking past a car.

"Are we there yet?" I asked. He didn't say anything and walked inside a little shop. He stood in line looking at the display of various cakes and donuts. "What do you want?" He said looking back at me. "A cookie" I said. "What kind of cookie?" He said impatiently. "A M&M cookie" I said.

"Two M&M cookies please" he said to the cashier. He passed Luke the two cookies and winked at me? I looked back at him and all I could say was damn that boy is cute. My cheeks reddened as I walked behind Luke.

He sat down at a table beside the window. He passed me my cookie and broke his cookie and ate the piece. "What's the plan?" I said munching on my cookie. "Go to the park and we'll see from there" he said occasionally looking at his phone. "Waiting for a message or something" I said, "you seem like you are, you know looking at your phone every minute"

"None of your business" he said looking out the window. "Well fine if you have to be too sensitive" I said.

Once we finished our cookies, we headed out the door. "Central Park is a couple meters away" he said. "Look!" I yelled like a kid in a candy store. I ran over to the park which was filled with snow. I looked down at the amazing white fluff and smiled looking up to the sky. Snow started to fall from the sky.

"Luke look at this-" I said but something cold hit me in the face. I wiped it off. Snow? I looked over to Luke who was lightly throwing a snowball in the air and catching it.

"Game on" I said picking up snow.


This is sort of like a filler since I haven't updated for so long

Exams start now and end next week so I'll update more then

Calum's birthday is like in 2 days like wut.

I don't know what else to say lol.

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Instagram/Twitter: @/calmxfivesauce

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