xvii. The Winner of Britain's Got Talent

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He arrived just in time, as everyone was filing out of the classroom. Flitwick emerged shortly after and gestured for James to come inside. He entered, observing that the desks and chairs had all been put back to their original positions.

"I hope you know your actions were highly disrespectful and disruptive," Professor Flitwick began, looking James in the eye. James held his gaze confidently but felt his insides twist with guilt. "However," he continued. "I've decided not to punish you any further due to the considerable power of your chaotic, yet extremely effective Knockback Jinx."

A smile grew on James' face. "Blimey, thank you, Professor!" He leapt up happily from where he had been sitting on a desk. "See you next Charms class!" he called and rushed out the door.


The next week consisted of very much the same routine every day. The boys woke up, ate breakfast, went to their morning classes, ate lunch, went to some more classes, ate dinner, and then hung out in the common room doing homework and talking until they went to bed.

Despite his promise to Warren, James had immediately told Sirius, Remus and Peter about the real reason their Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher was at Hogwarts. The four had stayed up in their dorm that night, talking with wide eyes about what might happen next.

James was also worried about Sirius — going home to his family had really seemed to have an effect on him, and James often woke in the middle of the night to the sound of him crawling into Remus' bed. He was glad that Remus was able to make his best mate feel better, but Sirius was still not his cheerful and goofy self.

The perfect opportunity to get Sirius to smile again arose one evening in the common room. The waxing moon shone its light through the window and the fire crackled in the fireplace. James, Sirius, Peter and Remus lounged on the couches and on the floor, the latter two attempting to do homework while the former two distracted them. Lily sat on a chair a few feet away with her homework in her lap, chewing on the inside of her cheek, deep in thought.

"You know", James said suddenly. "Your stomach thinks all potatoes are mashed."

Remus sighed and rolled his eyes. "Shouldn't you be working on your Transfiguration essay? It's due tomorrow."

"Well then I have many hours before it needs to be done," James said, leaning back and resting his head on his hands with his elbows sticking out to the sides. "Besides, I'll just wing it like I usually do. I could write it in my sleep."

Lily looked up from her essay and gave James an annoyed glare. "What, you think you're above homework?"

James answered her glare with an excruciatingly pleasant grin. "Unlike all of you homework-doers, I have been blessed with a superior mind." He tapped his temple and Sirius snorted.

An amused expression crossed Lily's face. "Superior, huh? What did Professor Binns have to say about your essay on Emeric the Evil?

"He gave me an acceptable review," James boasted pretentiously. "Especially considering I winged that one as well."

"I did quite decently on that too," said Sirius. "And I mostly just copied off of you."

Lily rolled her eyes and stood up. "I'm going to bed. You four better do the same. It's getting late." With that, she walked up the stairs to her dorm, her fiery hair swishing behind her as she went.

"I for one, am not tired in the slightest," said James. "Fancy a midnight stroll, boys?"

Sirius grinned. "Why, James, that would be lovely."

Peter looked uncertain, but he agreed. "Yeah, I'll come, as long as we don't get caught."

Remus stared at them warily. "Midnight stroll? Have you done this before?"

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