xiv. Christmas is Not the Best Time of Year

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Christmas Eve finally came around, after what seemed like forever. James sat at the kitchen table, munching on his mum's cookies as he watched her bustle around the kitchen, preparing dinner. Mr. Potter had yet to come home from work, but he was due to arrive within the hour.

The hour flew by, followed by two others, but his dad had not yet returned. Despite her attempts to keep busy, James could tell that his mum was growing increasingly anxious. She glanced at the clock every few minutes and forgot to put the actual tea in her tea. James grimaced from behind the book he was pretending to read as she drank hot water with sugar and milk, not even noticing.

"Are you alright, mum?" James asked, deciding it was finally time to intercept.

"Hm? Oh yes." She shook herself from her thoughts and smiled warmly. "I suppose we ought to eat dinner before it gets cold. Come sit down."

She scooped him heaping portions and James' stomach rumbled at the delicious smell. They ate, James keeping up conversation, trying to distract her. Eventually, they finished eating and his mum ushered him to bed despite his protests.

It wasn't until just past midnight that James heard the front door open and the familiar sound of his father's footsteps echoing around the house. He heard the sounds of worried conversation, so he crept to the top of the stairs and listened intently.

"Their family was all together... you know their tradition of mince pies," Mr. Potter was saying. "Anyways, they came to the door. I don't know what their discussion was, but I do know that Enid outright refused. That's when they attacked."

James froze. He knew exactly who was being discussed. He had heard Frank talking about his family's mince pies in the common room before they had left for the holidays. Someone had attacked them, and now some of his family members were dead.

"So... everyone?" Mrs. Potter asked tearfully.

"Thankfully no. Augusta managed to escape with Frank. Fought off four of them at the same time. She's not to be underestimated, that one," he said dryly. "But the rest of them... they're all dead."

He made his way down the stairs to find his mum crying softly, his dad embracing her tenderly, looking exhausted. "Mum?"

Their heads whipped around and Mrs. Potter quickly blinked the tears out of her eyes. "James, sweetie, what are you doing awake?"

"What are you talking about?" he asked, ignoring her question.

"Just work business, nothing to worry about," said his dad.

"No, you were talking about someone who killed Frank Longbottom's family."

Mr. Potter sighed and rubbed his eyes. "How much did you hear, son?" he asked quietly.

"Why don't you start from the beginning?" James crossed his arms and sat down at the table, staring at them intently.

"Alright then..." Mr. Potter said. "The Longbottoms were attacked by dark wizards tonight. They used Unforgivable Curses on them. They somehow managed to get a call out for help, but we only arrived in time to save two of them."

"Frank and his mum?" James asked.

His dad nodded.

"How many died?"

Mr. Potter looked over at Mr. Potter who had tears running down her cheeks again. "Five," he said softly. "Frank's father, Reginald, his aunt Algie and uncle Enid and... their two children."

"Children," James breathed.

Mrs. Potter got up and left the room, sobbing loudly.

Mr. Potter leaned over and embraced James in a one armed hug. "I'm sorry I had to tell you this. I wanted to wait until after Christmas."

"Who did it?"

Mr. Potter leaned back. "We have some theories." At James' piercing glare he continued on. "It's an organization," he frowned. "They like to call themselves 'Death Eaters'. It appears to have been some kind of recruitment visit, but clearly Enid Longbottom didn't like what they had to say."

"What are Death Eaters?"

"We aren't entirely sure of their intentions, or whom they are working for."

"Is Frank still going to go to Hogwarts?"

"I'm not sure. He has lost a great deal tonight. His return is a matter of discussion between him and his mum. He'd certainly be much safer at Hogwarts, as will you."

James felt a fear creep up in him for the first time. "What about you and mum?" he asked.

His dad smiled warmly and stood up, pulling James into a hug. His mum came back into the room and he waved her over to join the family embrace. "The ones who love us never truly leave us."

James looked up to see a tear in his dad's eye.

"It's a kind of magic," his father said softly.

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