iii. Sirius Accidentally Pets a Teacher

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Their first full day of classes saw a cloudy sky with rays of sunshine doing their best to poke through. James only had enough time to unpack his socks and some undergarments before he had to get his robes on and rush down to Transfiguration. He couldn't recall a time where he had slept more soundly, something he pegged to the scrumptious feast the night before.

The four of them followed Remus who seemed to know the way. They arrived with only a few minutes to spare, but there was no sign of their teacher.

"Who teaches Transfiguration again?" asked Peter, looking around. There were other students there, already in their seats, but no teacher to be found.

"McGonagall," Remus replied.

Sirius frowned. "Well she looks like she's about to be late for her own class," he shrugged. "Odd, really, I didn't peg her as the tardy sort," A small meow caught their attention and they turned to see a small tabby cat staring at them from atop the teacher's desk. "Hello you," Sirius said in a sickeningly affectionate voice. "Do you like to be pet?"

Sirius let out a yelp as the cat leapt off the desk and transformed mid-air into the rather intimidating form of Professor McGonagall. Sirius' jaw sank to the ground in what James assumed was a frantic attempt to high five his stomach.

"Close your mouth, Mr. Black, before something flies into it," McGonagall said, earning some giggles throughout the class. She peered down her nose as Sirius. "Take your seats." She stood before the four boys as they scrambled to sit down.

James noticed with a thrill that Lily was laughing amongst them from where she sat with Alice Fortescue, another Gryffindor first year. He grinned back at her and she caught his eye, her laugh immediately turning into an icy glare.

"Now, Transfiguration is an obscure branch of magic, but one with many useful properties," McGonagall began. "While items cannot be conjured out of mid-air, they can be modified — or transfigured — into something else. For example, you can turn a raw chicken into a cooked chicken, or a piece of parchment into a tree. However, those are relatively advanced," she continued on. "Today we will be starting small. This is a practical lesson, so put your books and quills away."

There was a buzz of excitement as everyone rushed to put their materials away, eager to try their hand at Transfiguration. McGonagall waved her wand, and a bunch of matches flew from her desk, each settling itself directly in front of a student.

"Today you will attempt to turn your match into a sewing needle using the following incantation," she held up her own match to demonstrate. "Transverto." She waved her wand and the class watched with amazement as the match morphed into a shiny, silver needle right before their eyes. "Now your turn."

James mimicked her exact movements, imagining his match turning into a needle just like McGonagall's. "Transverto." The match instantly turned into a needle. He turned to see Peter ogling at him, apparently feeling dwarfed at his friend's instant success. James shot him a reassuring smile and turned to Sirius, grinning. "I've just thought of something," he whispered excitedly. "We've got to get Snivellus back, and I have the perfect plan—" he was cut short as McGonagall walked up behind him.

"Potter, unless you have already successfully transfigured your match, I highly advise you to stop acting as a distraction to your classmates." McGonagall said shortly.

"But professor, I have finished." said James, trying to control his smile.

"Nonsense!" she said, walking over to the table that James and Sirius shared. "It's nearly impossible for someone your age to succeed on the first—" she gasped, finally seeing the needle. She picked it up and examined it, a look of amazement painted on her face. She looked down at James who was now utterly confused. "Could you perhaps change it back into a match?" McGonagall asked. The whole class was silently watching, curious to see if he had more than just beginners luck. James could feel Lily's icy glare boring into the back of his head.

"I can try." James concentrated very hard and pictured the needle in front of him slowly morphing back into a match. He waved his wand and uttered the incantation. Nothing happened. A little disappointed, he shrugged and looked up at McGonagall. However, McGonagall was still staring at the needle. James looked back down. His needle was slowly shrinking, turning wooden and rounded until it was no more than a cheap match again.

"Well done Mr. Potter," she looked surprised, an odd contrast to her usual stern expression. "Ten points to Gryffindor."

Not long after, Lily had succeeded in transforming her match, soon followed by Sirius. Remus shortly followed, insisting that "slow and steady wins the race." By the end of the class, Peter had just managed to turn his match silver.

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