♥19♥ Reincarnation

Start from the beginning

The three of them walked through the lab of human experiments, trying to hold on their need to throw up.

Back with Momoi and Riko, they managed to get the power back on from the base's backup system. Everything was on again and they were able to do their part for the others again. 

"Dai-chan, can you hear me?" She spoke from the communicator.

--Satsuki? Is that you?-- She smiled when she was able to hear Aomine's voice. 


--Satsuki, I can't stop Tetsu's bleeding! I-I think he's dying!-- The smile on her beautiful face died down to a worried look in an instant. 

"Tetsu-kun?! What's wrong?! What happened?!" 

--I-I-can't stop the bleeding...-- 

"No..." Listening to this was really painful for her...

"Tetsu-kun, Dai-chan! Make sure to come back safe!" Momoi said to them before they went. 

"Huh? Of course we will be back, moron!" 

"Momoi-san, we will be back before you know it." Kuroko smiled at her. 

"Be back safe! I will welcome you all back with my cooking!" 

"You don't have to." Kuroko instantly said.

"Dai-chan, where are you...?" A crying Momoi asked. 

--In the escape pod, making my way up...-- 

"I see..." 



--Support everybody! I'll...I'll think of something somehow! I promise you! I will bring an alive Tetsu back!-- 

"Dai-chan..." Aomine may seem to enjoy picking on her but he's actually really caring towards her and everyone in the group. He doesn't want to lose anybody because he believed he had lost enough. Momoi wiped her tears away, a stronger look now in her eyes, "Dai-chan, help Tetsu-kun as much as you can. I will continue to support the others." 

--That's the spirit.-- Aomine said to her. 

"Hanamiya-san, what are you planning to do?" Momoi asked as he sat on her chair in front of the screen. 

"Only hacking is boring. If you are going to enter an enemy's terrirtory, you need to leave some trouble for them." He smirked when he started spreading a computer virus to WINGS, "With this, we should have access to everything without them bothering us." 


"I can't believe he got away!" Murasakibara was really angry because he couldn't believe Kagami made his escape, "I still don't know where Muro-chin is!"

"Don't get so angry, Murasakibara." Midorima said to him. 

"Mido-chin, it's easier for you to say, you don't have people you care about left alive!" 

"How dare you say such things!" Midorima forced himself to calm down, no was not the time to fight. "We will rescue the hostages and leave. That is the way to settle everything." 

They came across a door that cannot be opened from their side. They wondered what was on the other side of it. 

Murasakibara pulled out his Soul Key and he used it to force the door to break down. 

"Huh? There is a dent..." 

"Does that mean the Anti-Soul material is weaker on doors?" Midorima was confused but he encouraged Murasakibara to continue hitting the door. "Tch! The noise are attracting the Angels!" He can see them flying towards them from both left and right. He pulled his Soul Key out and formed a many amounts of red arrows. "Murasakibara, open this door. 

"Huh? Aren't your arrows usually green, Mido-chin?" 

"They are. When I am using oxygen as my natural energy. What do you need to make fire? Oxygen!" His burning arrows all pursued the Angel, hitting them at their vital spot and engulfing them in flame. "Burn..."

After much hammering, Murasakibara was able to open the door. The moment they managed to force it open, they were greeted with darkness...

Kasamatsu found the light switch and flicked it on, illuminating the entire room. The room was full of live experiments within their cages. 

"What the...?" The smell of blood was thick in the air. Kasamatsu looked around and he saw many grotesque beings feeding upon human flesh.

"Midorima, Murasakibara!" Mitsuru called for them and she was glad to see they were okay. "Where's Aomine and Kuroko?" 

"Aomine escaped with Kuroko first..." Midorima's words made Mitsuru and Kise worry but they tried not to show it in this situation.

"Huh? Muro-chin...?" Murasakibara looked up at a cage chained up the ceiling with shock, "Is that you?" Murasakibara can see something behind Himuro... He's got wings behind him...

"Yukio-senpai..." Mitsuru walked over to Kasamatsu and she looked at the sign beside the cage. It had 'Kasamatsu' written on a sign. Inside the cage was a being that's very grotesque for the eyes; a three-headed being with one body. If that wasn't bad enough, the head on the right was his father's head while the one on the left was his mother's. The one in the middle, it looked too damaged to look human, it looked like a parasite with a scrambled up human face.

"Mom...Dad..." It was a lie the whole time! Nameless did not keep his promise! The bastard experimented on his parents! "Damn it!" Kasamatsu started punching the ground out of rage, unable to accept reality...

There's no one to rescue...

♥Hearts♥KnB♥Kise Ryouta or Kasamatsu Yukio♥Where stories live. Discover now