Day 3 -Murasakibara Atsushi-

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Akashi told Mitsuru to help out Murasakibara with the cooking. She doesn't know why he wanted her to help the purple haired giant but she went with it anyway. 

"Can pass the spice, Mitsu-chin?" Murasakibara Atsushi, a very tall member of the Kiseki no Sedai. Mitsuru never once spoke to him alone until now. Can he really be relied on with the cooking of many people? 


"Thank you, Mitsu-chin. Um..."

"What is it?" 

"You're always unhappy..." 

"That's because there isn't anything to be happy about." 


"And you're not looking very happy yourself." Mitsuru pointed out to him, "You always have this lazy look on you no matter what you're doing." 

"Eh...? I do?" 

"You never noticed?" He may be a giant but he's a gigantic kid at heart. 

"Hmm...I've always been like this. Muro-chin said the same thing as you too." Murasakibara said to her, stirring the curry he's making.


"A friend. He's...he's with WINGS." 

On the spot, Mitsuru realized Murasakibara was in the same position as herself; they both have important people on the opposition. She wondered if his life had been turned upside down about it. 

"Hey, Murasakibara? Are you fighting because your friend joined WINGS?" 

"Huh? I am not mad at Muro-chin at all..." 

"You're not?" 

Murasakibara picked up a raw potato and crushed it with ease. Mitsuru can see pain and anger in his purple eyes. 

"I want to crush Kagami..." Just like what he did with the potato, he wanted to crush Kagami Taiga, "Mitsu-chin, are you going to crush your important person too?" 

"Preferably, I want to find another way. If there isn't a way, I will crush myself along with him." 

"Mitsu-chin, after I crush Kagami, I will help you." Murasakibara suddenly pat her head, "Because Mitsu-chin is keeping me company, I will help Mitsu-chin." 

"You will?" 

"Hm. I'll crush everyone else so you don't have to crush yourself with your important person." He was making a promise with her that will depend if he can get his hands on Kagami first...

Later, the curry was looking good. Murasakibara was happy with the outcome of the curry. 

"It looks tasty~." 

"It does... I actually don't know how to cook." 

"No way! You were good at cutting up the carrots and the meat!" 

"That's because I only help out at the kitchen..." Back at the Kasamatsu household, Mitsuru would help Kasamatsu's mother with the cooking. She would always be praised by his mother for helping her out and she would always be told she's done a good job and have her head patted. 

"You've done a good job. Thank you, Mitsu-chin..." Murasakibara pat her on the head, saying the exact same thing as Kasamatsu's mother.

Mitsuru ended up tearing up a little and it made Murasakibara surprised. 

"Why are you crying?" 

"I...I miss my old life..." Mitsuru wanted to go home. Every single night, she would pray everything was a crazy dream and she will wake up to the alarm and Kasamatsu waking her up for breakfast at his place. She once had a dream where she woke up in her old bedroom and Kasamatsu came to wake her up but she was woken up by reality in the end. She kept wishing for it but it wouldn't come true no matter how many times she prayed for it. 

"It's okay, I miss mine too. Muro-chin and I used to go out and eat snacks together."

During dinner with everyone, Mitsuru decided to eat with everyone else at the dining room by Murasakibara. Murasakibara convinced her it's more fun to eat with everyone else other than being alone.

Being alone can make a person feel nothing but void for life. Once a person understood what it means to be lonely, that person will make sure no one around them would be lonely; Murasakibara doesn't believe Mitsuru wanted to be away from everyone deep down. He believed she's just scared to be close to anyone else so he encouraged her to be with everyone's company. 

It turned out to be a good thing for Mitsuru because everyone welcomed her to eat with them...


Murasakibara decided to go and check on Momoi and Riko. When he went in, he can see they were still hacking. 

"Sat-chin, are you guys ready yet?" 

"Muk-kun, it's not that simple this time. We could only do so much with just Riko-san and I." 

"Hmm..." Murasakibara stared at the screen that has a lot of things he doesn't understand on it. 

"Sat-chin, will I find Muro-chin there?" 


"Excuse me, is Murasakibara here?" Mitsuru walked into the dark computer room and she found the giant. "You, come with me." 


"Muk-kun, what did you do to Mimi?" Momoi was smiling but there were flames emitting from her. 

"N-nothing..." Murasakibara escaped before Momoi can press him for anymore answers. He followed Mitsuru and wondered what she would want. 

"Murasakibara, want to go out and get some snacks?" 

"Atsushi, want to go out and get some snacks?"

Murasakibara was reminded of his old friend all of a sudden. It made him tear up a little...


They have lost something precious and they secretly wish for it to come back...

♥Hearts♥KnB♥Kise Ryouta or Kasamatsu Yukio♥Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora