♥19♥ Reincarnation

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"Taiga, it's too late for me..." Himuro Tatsuya can feel himself changing. He tried to hide it but it was impoosible after all. Just like in a zombie movie, a bite from an Angel will result in a transformation to their side. He was progressing slowly, but it doesn't seem like he will last long. 

"It's not too late, Tatsuya, hang in there!"  Kagami Taiga was the only one who knew about Himuro's condition. He hated the fact there was nothing he can do when his friend was forced to force himself to smile in front of the others. Why can't he do something for him? Was there really nothing he can do? 

"Taiga..." Himuro put his gun in front of Kagami, "Kill me." 


"I am not going to last long... I can feel it, I can feel his urge to eat a living human..." He was sweating beads of water, he was suffering so much just to keep his cannaballistic urge under control. 


"Taiga, I want to die a human...w-will you grant me my final wish?" 

"No...no! No! No! No! No! Damn it!" Kagami kicked his chair down, frustrated at this, "We are humans! We should be looking for a way to keep on living! Not dying on the spot!" 

"Taiga, please..." 

"I can't! I can't possibly kill my own friend!" 

"It's okay, Taiga..." 

"What about the others?! What would Murasakibara think?!" 

"Atsushi...Taiga, can you look out for him after I am gone?" Himuro tiredly said to him, "I'll leave him to you." 


"Hey, if there is such thing as reincarnation, let's meet again and play basketball..." 

Kagami picked up the gun and pointed it at Himuro's head. He hit Himuro on the head really hard, making the other faint. 

"I'm sorry, Tatsuya...if WINGS brought this virus to this world, they can reverse it! I know they can!" 

Kagami bearly escaped from Midorima and Murasakibara. He had no choice but to escape to the 3rd floor by using one of the many random elevators. He decided to use another elevator and hope to jump them from behind. 

'Why are the Kiseki no Sedai here anyway?! Unless...' When the door opened, he quickly activated his Soul Key and ran past the the many amounts of Angels, "Don't get in the way!!" 

Back with Mitsuru, they made their way into a lab and were able to escape the many amounts of Angels just in time because the thick metal door stopped them from coming in. It was a one-way door; you can enter from this side but have to get out from another entrance. 

"This place..." Kasamatsu couldn't believe the thing floating inside many incubators. "They are people..." 

"WINGS took people from the surface and experimented on them here...!" Kise was disgusted by the inhumane experiment just as much as Kasamatsu. 

"Where's Mom and Dad?" Kasamatsu was getting really worried and he can feel a really bad omen that something happened to them behind his back. 

Before he's deeper into the darkness of his own thoughts, Mitsuru held his hand. He looked at her and saw a reassuring look on her face. 


"We'll save them." 


♥Hearts♥KnB♥Kise Ryouta or Kasamatsu Yukio♥Where stories live. Discover now