♥6.5♥ The ones who wants to break the glass, Kiseki no Sedai

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The location of the Kiseki no Sedai cannot be found because they're not on the surface. They're underground. No cameras can help you trace their people going in and out of the place because they have someone in their group who can control all of the security cameras.

"With this...message deleted." A pink haired beauty in front of the high-tec computer and she was doing the Kiseki no Sedai a favor. "Akashi-kun, it's a good thing that you told me about hacking into Kasamatsu-san's phone. But why his? Shouldn't we be checking for Chairo-san's phone instead?"

Momoi Satsuki, Kiseki no Sedai's hacker, a young girl with a very desirable body and long pink hair. She joined the Kiseki no Sedai the same time with Kuroko Tetsuya and Aomine Daiki. She's a very useful member of the group whenever she's asked to gather information. 

"Because he is Chairo's childhood friend and one of the best in Kaijou. It's not unlikely that WINGS would want to instantly recruit the best students right away. Besides," The red-headed leader of the destiny-changing group typed some keys and made the email appeared on the screen for the others to see, "It seems like WINGS wanted that guy to pick out 5 people to be on his team. For all we know, he'd definitely make Chairo go with him." 

Akashi Seijuurou, the leader of the Kiseki no Sedai. He has been leading the group ever since the last leader passed the position to him. Serious, and always one step ahead of anyone whenever it comes to tactics. "They thought they could have went under my radars if they sent the message to Kasamatsu instead but they're slow." 

"Then, what is our next step? Should we go and kidnap her and make her join us?" As usual, he lacked patience because he knew for a fact he can successfully execute a mission with perfection if he was told to. The very tall tanned boy was reading a dirty magazine on the luxury looking sofa in the semi dark room.

"Now is not the time, Aomine." Akashi said without looking at the tanned boy. 


Aomine Daiki, the best of the best within their group. He's the fastest and most powerful member of the group. He's a little dumb but he always gets the job done whenever Akashi ask him of it. He's a close range fighter and so far, he hasn't been cut with the blade, or grazed by a bullet. That was how skilled Aomine was. 

"Stop reading such a dirty thing when the world is in a crisis." The group's best sniper lectured Aomine. 

"Fuck you, Midorima. Get off my back about what I read." 

Midorima Shintarou, Kiseki no Sedai's sniper, an individual who was always serious and doesn't tend to fool around. As the sniper, his accuracy of killing his target have the accuracy of 100%. He never misses, especially on a good day for Cancers.

"Aka-chin, I'm back with Kuro-chin and Kise-chin and more snacks~!" The very tall bodyguard returned with the blonde and blue haired boy. 

Murasakibara Atsushi, the tallest member of the group, the bodyguard who was there to make sure all ambushes were crushed. When it comes to defence and offence, he's an expert who can do both at the very same time. Though he's childish and love to eat snacks, he's serious when he wanted to crush something. 

"Akashi-kun, Chairo-san is fine for the day. Kise-kun also retried Kasamatsu-san's letter and destroyed it." Kuroko informed. 

"Good work, Kuroko." 

"Tetsu-kun, welcome back~♥." 

"Tetsu, how does it feel to work with Kise?" 

"Annoying." Just a one word answer was able to make Kise cry. 

Kuroko Tetsuya, the group's phantom. He's called the phantom because his Soul Key grants him the power of invisibility. Infiltration requires complete stealth and silence, his perfect combination. He can easily kill the enemies if they cannot see him. 

"Kurokocchi, you are so mean! We did a good job too!" Kise complained to him. 

"Kise Ryouta, the most observant of the group as well as the best looking member of the group. His Perfect Copy allows him to use moves that he have seen in the past. With his Soul Key, he watched many skilled soldiers fight and make their moves his own.

For a terrorist group, they're very small in numbers. However, they can cause a great deal of trouble if they went all out. 

Akashi folded his arms and looked at the others with his fuchsia red eyes... 

"In a week's time, we are going to give WINGS our greetings..." 

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