♥07♥ One week later...

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Mitsuru's injuries were more serious than Kasamatsu's so she had to stay for much longer. It's very strange though because Honda Koyuki was allowed to leave earlier and her injuries were much more serious. Mitsuru hasn't been feeling very well since she's been tired for a lot of time. Sometimes she would end up skipping meals because she's far too tired to do anything. Was it just her or was he feeling a lot weaker? Kasamatsu did ask the doctor what was wrong but they insisted that she was fine and it was a matter of time until she's able to leave the hospital. 

"Yukio-senpai..." She was speaking in her sleep. He hasn't visited her for a while now. Was he too busy? She wanted him to see her...

She opened her chocolate brown eyes after hearing something like a muffled sound. She turned to her right to see the moonlight shining on a figure in a black suit. There was a dead body in front of the tall figure. The dead body was a doctor and he's got a very surprised look on his face because his neck was broken after being twisted with bare hands. 


"Shh... Mitsucchi, please don't speak." Kise pressed his finger against her lips, stopping her from opening her mouth. "Here, eat this..." Kise gave her a red and white colored pill, "Poor Mitsucchi... I don't like seeing you like this..."

"Give me a glass of water..." Kise quickly pour out a glass of water and gave it to her. Mitsuru popped the pill into her mouth and downed the water. "Care to explain to me what's going on?" 

"The doctors are not letting you leave. They are planning to get you weak enough so they can deliver you straight to WINGS." Kise explained to her, "Haven't you noticed you haven't got any visitors for a long time?" 


"Mitsucchi, we can't let you join WINGS no matter what happened. Can't you see? They are not at all trustworthy and they are not the ones saving humanity..." Kise ran his hand through her hair, pressing his forehead against her own, "Trust me..." 


--Kise, stop touching the Queen.-- A voice came out of Kise's earpiece.

--Eh?! Midorimacchi?! You are jealous?-- Kise was speaking through a wireless earpiece to the green haired man from a far away building. Midorima Shintarou was responsible for shooting to kill anyone who was hostile to Kise.

"I am not jealous Kise. I just don't think Chairo appreciate you being so close to her." 

--Eh?! So mean...-- 

"You're not the only King around her so you can't touch her however you want. Also, you don't have time for that kind of thing because you need to escape as of now." Midorima got his sniper out and he looked at the inside of the hospital as much as he can. "Listen, you are on the 4th floor. Momoi already hacked all of the security cameras but I highly doubt it will be that easy to get out. I will assist you because you are an idiot." 

Kise was a little annoyed by the way Midorima spoke to him but he decided to forget about it and focus on helping Mitsuru escape. Kise helped Mitsuru off the bed, helping her stand on the floor.

"Can you stand?" 

"Y-yeah... Kise, let me get changed first."


Kise waited for her to get changed from her hospital clothes by turning himself around. When she gave him permission to turn around, she was in a black shirt, pink vest, a pair of tight black jeans. She put her boots on, ready to leave. 

♥Hearts♥KnB♥Kise Ryouta or Kasamatsu Yukio♥Where stories live. Discover now