♥21♥ You have to come back!

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"Murasakibaracchi, you're up!" Kise was happy to see that the purple haired teammate of his has finally got the strength to sit up again. 

Murasakibara looked at his hands and then at the wound Himuro caused. It was gone... 

"Mitsu-chin...did this?" 

"Yep! Mitsucchi rejected your death!" 

"Eh..." Murasakibara then watched Mitsuru take on Himuro with Midorima's help. "Muro-chin turned..." 

"Yeah..." Kise was helping Kasamatsu and Kagami take on the 3 headed monster before but Kagami suggested on protecting Murasakibara from the monsters so he told Kise to help out. "Can you get up and fight?" 


Using his S.G, Murasakibara managed to save Mitsuru from Himuro's attack from behind. It seems Himuro was able to teleport instantly wherever he liked. Murasakibara put Mitsuru down and took his Soul Key from her hold. 


"Mitsu-chin, I have to be the one to put down Muro-chin..." 


"I am fine. Thank you for saving me..." 


"If we survive, let's eat snacks together." 


The two of them stepped away from each other to instantly re-appear in front of the monster they were now targetting. Murasakibara took out Mitsuru's dagger from Himuro's forehead and threw it up in the air before landing a punch towards Himuro's face. Murasakibara decided not to hesitate anymore. 

Her dagger soon came to a landing and Kise appeared in the air, grabbed it and threw it towards Mitsuru. Mitsuru grabbed it so she can stab the 3-headed monster in the eye. She stabbed the eye of the middle's head because she couldn't bear hurting the head on the left or the right since they looked too familiar to her. 

"Mitsuru!" Kasamatsu was surprised that she joined the battle too.

Kagami decided to help Murasakibara deal with Himuro; the right thing he can do now was fulfill his best friend's request from a long time ago. Kagami decided that keeping Himuro alive without freedom was not the right thing to do. He will help Himuro become free for real! 

"Kasamatsu-senpai, we need to hold up until Momocchi opens the door!" 

"How long is that going to be?!" Kasamatsu shouted, "We can't stay here forever and our weapons won't last!" He then looked at Mitsuru with worry in his eyes, "I don't know how long Mitsuru will last either!"

"We just have to hold up!" Kise said to him, "We have to stop that monster from moving somehow!" 


Aomine and Kuroko finally made it to the surface of the water. Aomine helped Kuroko up and he pressed a button for the escape pod to open up. 

"Tetsu, can you stand?" 

"Aomine-kun, what about the others?" Even though he was about to die before, Kuroko always worried about someone else other than himself. 

"Tetsu, seems like Kagami is on our side for now..." 

"He is?" 


"Thank god..." Kuroko passed out with a smile on his face; he always knew Kagami was a comrade deep down...

"Heh, so happy that you passed out? Let's hope he survives too, okay?" He got out of the escape pod only to find soldiers from WINGS pointing their guns at him. "Hehehe..." Even without his Soul Key, he can escape them without any problems. He was always good at escaping anyway...

♥Hearts♥KnB♥Kise Ryouta or Kasamatsu Yukio♥Where stories live. Discover now