Aching Hearts and Missing Boyfriends

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I've wanted to write this one for a while... my interpretation of the lost hero/son of Neptune missing Percy drama. Enjoy!

Annabeth Chase had always been strong. No matter what the situation or moment was, she was prepared and ready to solve the problem. She never cried in front of others, because her pride wouldn't let her show emotions and weakness to those around her.

This was a problem Annabeth didn't know how to solve. No matter how hard she wracked her brain and searched through books and documents, she could not find the answer. It was driving her crazy.

The problem this time; her boyfriend of three months, Percy Jackson, was missing. No trace of how he left, no evidence. Nothing. He just disappeared into thin air.
Percy restlessly rolled over in the bunk, the mattress feeling unnaturally hard and lumpy. His eyes didn't feel heavy, and he didn't feel tired, which was unusual since the lack of light streaming through the barrack window hinted it was still dark outside.

His mind felt empty. It was like he was supposed to be dreaming but he didn't have anything to dream about. Barely conscious, he thought back to the previous night.

After the standard (at least for a demigod camp) tour of Camp Jupiter, Hazel had shown him the way to the mess hall for dinner. He watched, mesmerized, as servants served platters of food, ranging from BBQ chicken to iced-cream sandwiches.

When they sat down, Percy asked one of the servers if he could have his food dyed blue. The ghost seemed confused but obeyed. Hazel sent him a questioning look. "Why do you want the food blue?"

"Because-" he started, but cut himself off. Why did he want blue food? His fingers tightened around his cup. Percy felt so sick of not remembering anything. It was as if his brain was constantly teasing him with information - but it was always a centimeter away from him.

His eyes cast to the floor. "I don't know," he answered, immediately thinking of his only solid memory.

Annabeth. Her light blonde curls rested on her shoulders, her scary grey eyes meeting his. He knew most people found them to be intimidating (don't ask him how he knows that, or who 'most people' were), but whenever he saw her eyes his heart melted a bit.

He couldn't tell you who Annabeth was, where she lived or how they met but he knew she was someone important. Someone his heart ached to see.

Now fully awake at the memory of the girl, his mind continued to conjure a picture. A strand of curled blonde hair, golden as the sun, fell in front of the girl's face. Her greys eyes sparkled with joy as she smiled at him. Her laughter filled the air and made Percy's chest feel warm.

She was laughing at him, but Percy couldn't help but join. She muttered something about him being a stupid idiot, before kissing him.

A sad expression rested on his face, he held the blanket closer.
Annabeth hated being the center of everyone's attention.

As she made her way to the dining pavilion, she ignored at least ten camper's lingering eyes. She saw pitiful glances, worried frowns, and even a concerned look from Clarisse. She caught a piece of conversation from one of the newer campers. "They haven't found Percy yet, have they?"

No, they hadn't. And Annabeth wished everyone would just leave her alone.

After getting her food (just a plain bagel, she didn't feel hungry), Annabeth immediately went back to her cabin. The clean, academic feel of the room kept her mind from thinking about him.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 09, 2020 ⏰

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