Happy Birthday Seaweed Brain

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Happy late 26th birthday Percy! We all love you so much and miss your sarcastic comments (maybe some more in ToA 4? It's getting close...) This is set in the future compared to most of my other chapters; as in Percy actually is 26.

A deep breath filled Percy Jackson's lungs as he gently opened his eyes. He looked down, seeing his beautiful wife cuddled up against him, asleep. This was easily his favourite part of his day. Waking up, with Annabeth beside him.

No matter how long it had been, Annabeth asleep was still absolutely adorable to him. Her fist was wrapped around a small part of his t-shirt and her face was buried against his chest.

"Morning, Wise Girl," he whispered, attempting to wake the sleeping beauty.

"Happy Birthday, Seaweed Brain. I love you." He smiled, still in disbelief that he was 26. When had they got so old? It felt like days ago they were battling monsters and heading off on dangerous quests.

Annabeth rolled off him, and the bed. She groaned and stood up. "I'm going to go check on Logan, and Hunter. Come down for breakfast in 15?" He nodded, but closed his eyes again. She was going to wake up his kids. That's right, Percy Jackson was the proud father of two boys.

Logan, now three years old, was a bit of trouble maker. He seemed to have his fathers personality and mischievous side, but his mothers strategy and brains. He was the perfect combination of the two, with blond floppy hair and green eyes. Hunter, who was only 8 months old, was a quiet baby. He seemed a bit held off, but his big grey eyes liked to watch everything.

As a smell of bacon drifted to his nose, Percy immediately got out of bed. As he walked out of his bedroom, he heard the soft cry coming from Hunter's nursery. Creaking open the door, his youngest looked at him with water filled eyes, reaching his hands out.

He picked the baby up, holding him close to his chest. He whisper-sung the song he remember his mum singing to him when he was little. Hunter seemed alright, apparently just wanting his dad. With Hunter on his hip (thumb in mouth) he walked down the carpeted stairs. Annabeth was flipping the bacon out of the pan as Logan ran around the island bench. She was trying to stop him and cook bacon at the same time, a difficult task.

"Woah, buddy. Why don't you go sit up at the table?"

"O-kay Daddy! Happy Birfday!" He barely made out the words before racing to the table. That kid had way too much energy for the early time. Annabeth sighed with relief, grateful for the help. She plated up the breakfast and placed them on the table, smiling at himself with their newest arrival.

"I was letting him sleep in, the doctor said he needed more. You know about the problems we have been having with him." It was true, the doctors at camp half blood had suggested he got more sleep since they figured out about his nightmares, another cruel trick played on them by the gods.

"He was crying, and he can just sleep here." Hunter, in fact, had closed his eyes with his head against his fathers chest. Annabeth just nodded, sitting down at her usual spot on the table. "What time did Mum say she was coming over?"

The doorbell rung from the front room, signalling the arrival of someone. "About now." Percy stood up, unhappily leaving behind his perfectly crisp bacon, with its juicy taste and crunch in the...

Door, right. Not bacon. He unlocked the front door, allowing his mother to come in. She awed at the sight of them, gently hugging her son and kissing her grandson in the head. "Happy Birthday! How big is my little boy getting, he has two of his own little boys!"

"Gramma!" Logan shouted, running straight into her legs. She hugged him, commenting on how tall he was getting. Paul appeared from behind him, greeting him with yet another happy Birthday before asking how the two boys were.

"They're pretty good, Logan had developed some serious energy and Hunter is just starting to move around. Well, not now obviously." Percy relied, shifting his son in his arms. They all came to reside in the kitchen which allowed Percy to eat his bacon. Finally, he thought, hungry for the food.

Presents were given to him and they just talked together for a while. It felt so different now, to back when Annabeth and himself were teens. Back then, Paul and Sally had shared sneaky glances as they laughed at the couple, but now they were all adult, and had kids.

The whole vibe was different, but Percy liked it.

After they eventually left, Annabeth excused herself to the bathroom, for the second time that day. Percy walked over to the playpen that was set up for Hunter, finding him and Logan trying to play through the fence. Chuckling, he opened the little gate to allow them to play together.

Logan was trying to teach Hunter to play dinosaurs, his current favourite game. But Hunter just sat there, a confused baby's expression clearly on his face.


"Yeah Logan?"

"Am I gonna get anofer sibling, or just Hun-ta?" The question shocked Percy a little bit, he hadn't even thought of having another child. A girl, maybe, so he could be an overprotective father.

"Hopefully, Logan. But not just yet. Hunter's still a bit small." He nodded, turning back to his dinosaurs. Hunter was happily chewing on a stegosaurus, oblivious to any conversation.

"Where did Hun-ta come from?" Percy's eyes widened, and his cheeks flush a little pink. Stuttering, his tried to think of a response.

"Oh- uh. H-Hunter came from Mummy's tummy." He looked concerned, probably wondering how a baby got inside his mother, but got distracted when he realised what Hunter was doing.

"Hey! Don't chew that!"

"Percy?" Annabeth called from the door, where she leant against the wall. There was no doubt she had heard the whole conversation. "Were you serious about having another kid?"

"Well, yeah, if you want to. I love you Annabeth and I just want to have everything with you."  She nodded, coming over and cuddling up against his on the couch.

It was another perfect day in his perfect family. He couldn't have wished for a better birthday.

Yay! I actually wrote something! Sorry my updates haven't been very consistent, I've had heaps of basketball and I'm really tired!

Yours in demigodishness and all, BookLoverFourLife.

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