I Kissed The Boy Next Door

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So this one is a crossover between I Kissed the Boy Next Door and Percy Jackson, but don't worry cause you don't have to have read the book to understand. It's an AU so no demigods. Onto the Story!

Annabeth took a deep breath. "Are you sure I have to do this?" After her friends nodded at the same time, she figured she and no choice. Annabeth was 14 and currently at her usual summer camp, Camp Half-Blood, for the last day of summer.

She had stupidly agreed to play truth or dare with her best friends, Thalia, Piper, and Hazel. She had chosen dare and had been dared to kiss him.

Him was actually Percy Jackson, the most popular boy in the whole camp. Everyone had a crush on him. As much as Annabeth didn't want to admit it, she sort of did too. Not to mention, this was her first kiss. How were you supposed to kiss someone?

The girls pushed her forward, towards the outside pool where Percy and his friends were hanging around. Percy wasn't wearing a shirt, obviously, and Annabeth wondered if 14-year-olds were supposed to have those muscles.

Taking a deep breath, she walked over to him. His friends saw her approach and stopped talking. Before Percy could ask them why they stopped, Annabeth tapped on his shoulder. He turned, confused and Annabeth did it straight away, not baring to look into his green eyes for long.

She kissed him.

Not wanting to see his reaction, Annabeth turned and ran. She ran hard, faster than ever before. There was no way she was ever going to face him again. She felt her hand reach to her lips as she ran, and they were still warm. That was her first kiss. The next week, his family moved away to New York, and she never saw him again.


Annabeth, who was now 18, watched out her window as the big, blue moving truck pulled into the driveway of her new neighbor's house. A family began unloading boxes and furniture into their house. In the small town Annabeth lived in, news traveled fast. Annabeth knew her best friend, Piper, would be texting her soon.

As if on command, her phone buzzed and lit up. Did you see the new family? Piper asked That guy is so hot. Annabeth quizzically looked out the window again, this time noticing a guy, around her age or older, with dark black hair.

He was wearing a long sleeve grey shirt and blue jeans, carrying a sofa with a middle-aged man. Annabeth couldn't help but notice his strong arms. Something about them was familiar. "Annabeth! Can you come to do the dishes, please?" Her older brother, Malcolm, shouted to her from downstairs.

After she finished scrubbing the dishes, she had a significant amount of water on her shirt. She ran back up towards her room, closed the white door and quickly peeled off her shirt. She turned around to grab a clean one from her draw. That's when she saw the eyes. The sea green eyes he had looked into all those years ago before she had kissed him.

Percy Jackson was the new boy next door.

And Annabeth wasn't wearing a shirt. She quickly pulled her curtain closed. She changed her shirt, before climbing out her window and knocking on his. Ignoring his smirk, she glared at him as he opened it up.

Of course his room was right next to hers, with windows that looked into each others. There was no other way the universe would let her get away with just kissing him like that. No, there had to be a reunion.

She climbed into his room, rather ungracefully. "Annabeth Chase, we meet again." He laughed. "You've matured quite nicely." She glared at him again.

"Percy Jackson. Why am I not surprised? Were you watching me get changed?"

"You're the one with an open window who just took her shirt off, even when you knew there was a hormonal teenage boy living right next to you." He had a point, she must admit. But she didn't know it was him.

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