Prologue : His true intention

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Our world is the true meaning of despair
We couldn't get out
But we found a way
Finally I can breathe again
But this isn't our world
We found out about our other self
They seem so bright, young and cheerful
We hated them
We can't stay in the dark anymore
We are better to be exact
They are weaker than us
We know everything
And we want it
The compass he possess
Is what we needed
To turn everything around
And burn their world
And to fix ours
That is what our captain said
He is so brilliant, I admire him since I was little
Until one day
Her emerald eyes met mine
The colour of green
It looked like the symbol of life
I wanted to gaze more
But at that moment
he left
I felt something I never felt before
What is this thumping?
What's wrong with me?
I tried to find the problem
But it isn't one

It took me days to realize
I'm in love

I kept this to myself
And took the first step into our plan
And confronted my other self

The Weight Of Everything We Carry and Chase |SEONGHWA/HONGJOONG + ATEEZ|Where stories live. Discover now