Chapter 19: The Kinda Big Decision

Start from the beginning

"True. I would smack talk, but that seems out of place." Nick said.  

"True." I agree with him. We continue chatting for an hour, and the big topic looming over my head comes up. 

"So, you guys taking out anyone to the dance?" Bray changes the subject. 

"Nope. Probably not going." James said. 

"I might ask that girl from NDGO." Nick said. 

"Which one?" 

"Exactly." Nick puts on a smug face. 

"I'm... okay I'm lost." I say. 

"I honestly am trying to make my mind up." He puts him face in his hands. 

"Well, I might just see what happens? Wait for someone to ask me." Bray said. "So, what about you 6?" A long moment of silence passes. "Um... 6?"

"Oh gods... I seriously don't know what to do..." 

"Well that's not what I expected." James snickers a bit. 

"You don't have an idea?" Bray asks. 

"Nope! None at all!" 

"Well, just go with a friend. That's female. Or even go with someone you don't know as well, get to know them better." Bray suggested. 

"I... I need to do that!" I run out of the cafe, turning on the warthog and bolting. I start driving to Beacon, but I'm nearly immediately stopped. Who the hell are these guy?! They all are wearing two piece suits, all black. 

"Well well well, guess who it is?! It's a long time no see!" A voice said, walking out from an alley. 

"Roman?! Why the hell are you here?!" 

"I had a little birdie tell me that someone is willing to pay a lot of money for your head. Ah, what was his name... Aiden? Al?" 


"Right! He didn't like the fact you beat the crap out of him twice now! I mean, the guy was fuming! I couldn't help but laugh a little!" 

"Look, Roman, I'm kinda in a rush here." 

"Oh what's got you in a big rush?!" 

"I... I need to ask someone out to the dance." I lower my head. 


"Yup... yup." 

"Look..." he suddenly hops up in the shotgun seat. "I'm not one to get in the way of young love. It's a beautiful thing, and I firmly believe that it should be preserved and grown." He pays my back, then motions his men out of the way. 

"Wait, are you actually moving?" 

"Nope. I'm gonna help you, alright?" 

"Okay? Why?" 

"I already said it! I vouch for young love! Now, to the suit shop!" 

"I can't wear a suit, dumbass."   

"Just wear it over your armor!" 

"I don't think you realize how dumb that's gonna look." 

"Oh, fine! Still, go there anyway! I need a suit anyway!" 

"How many copies of that suit do you have?" I ask as I turn the warthog around. 

"Oh, only fourteen." 

"Only... sure." I just shrug it off as he continues talking. 

"You know, I once loved fiery and true..."

"Great..." I say to myself.

"Her name... was Raven..." he goes starry eyed. 

"Doesn't she lead the largest bandit tribe on Remnant?" I look at him.

"Exactly! She took what she wanted, and she did it violently!" he laughs to himself. "But... she never really spoke to me." 

"Sounds like a real healthy relationship."  

"It wasn't a relationship! It was a one way crush!" He crosses his arms. 

"Okay, okay. So, what sort of advice do you want to give me?" 

"Well, I have the greatest piece of advice you need. Know the girl!" 

"Really? I was gonna ask out some random person that's a stranger to me!" I say sarcastically. 

"You, you idiot! You have to know the girl! What does she like?!" 

"Ah, got it. What else?" 

"Well... do you know if anyone is crushing on you?"


"Wrong! There has to be someone! You're tall, you're a badass, and you're quiet! Someone likes you!" 

"Guess I haven't noticed." 

"God, you're dense." 


"Anyway, onto asking out the woman you want!" I park the warthog on the street and we walk into the shop. "Now, you need to woo her." 

"Dude. This is a school dance, I'm not courting the girl." 

"Wrong! You are!" 

"Here we go..." 

"This is gonna be one of the biggest moments of your life! Whenever you see that girl, it will be in the back of your minds' that you went out with each other, and boom! Sexual tension!" 

"What the..." 

"With that, you can further a relationship!" 

"Okay... wait, that actually makes sense." 

"See? It's just like that!" 

"God damn, why are you being useful?!" 

"I know! I've done this a hundred times, believe me! You know how many times I've tried to get Neo out there?!" 

"I don't know who that is, but I'll just guess it was a lot." 

"Yup!" He throws a suit identical to his own at me, and I catch it. 

"So, tell me about the girls you have in mind?" It takes a bit more of a serious tone. 

"Well... one of them is a bit childish, but in the innocent and fun way. Another might seem like a snob, but is actually a caring and honest person. One is-" 

"Okay, how many girls are in your sights?!" 

"Um... a lot, I guess." 

"I like it! More room for error! Now, continue!" 

"Well, one is quiet, stoic, and mysterious. Another is loud and outrageous, but protective and had a will made of steel. Another is similar, just a little more of an airhead and hyper, one who's soft spoken, but unbelievably kind and smart, not to mention an absolute monster in combat. Two more upperclassman are in there as well." 

"Wow... you have to succeed somewhere with those prospects! Now, I leave you with one final bit of advice." He puts his hand on my shoulder. "Choose wisely. You never know how this girl might affect your life." 

"Ya... sure." 

Welp, that's the end of the chapter. But I'm leaving something up to all of you readers. Who does 6 take to the dance? Remember, this'll be the last moment of peace and quiet in this book, so you oughta choose wisely. Just comment on who you want, and I'll close voting in a few days and start writing the dance! (VOTING CLOSED)









No one at all! 

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