chapter twenty-three

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wilbur's breath hitched as technoblade disappeared over the edge of the chasm ahead of him. after several moments of staying frozen in shock, wilbur stumbled over to the cliff, making sure not to meet the same fate as his friend just had.

he cautiously peeked over the edge, met with the dreadful sight of countless sharp rocks at the bottom of the canyon basically begging for somebody—or something—to end up in their clutches.

"fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck." wilbur breathed, scanning the jagged rocks for any sign of techno; preferably not a lifeless body.

luckily enough, technoblade didn't seem to have ever come in contact with the 'death-rocks', as wilbur had thought suiting to name them. but if he didn't fall all the way down, then...oh.

wilbur looked down on the form of techno. he had landed on a small, naturally formed platform, but laid unconscious in a growing pool of his own blood. "oh my god," wilbur gasped, "techno! hold on, i'm coming!" he frantically began searching for footholds along the steep wall, climbing down towards techno.

every now and then wilbur would slip, causing his heart to skip a beat or two, but with how carelessly he moved, he reached the platform quickly. it was barely big enough for techno himself, so wilbur struggled to move around, stepping in his friend's blood.

at last, he huffed in annoyance and fell to his knees, ignoring the disgusting feeling of the warm liquid seeping into the fabric of his black jeans. wilbur grasped techno's shoulders and shook him violently. "jesus christ, please wake up." he groaned, placing his dominant hand and putting pressure on the back of the brunette's bleeding head.

wilbur's whole body began to shake, and his breath shortened drastically. "please, techno. please wake up." the flow of blood had lessened, but so had technoblade's breathing.

wilbur felt himself begin to break as he buried his face in his friend's chest, choking out sobs. "please." wilbur said again weakly. "you can't die here, not now. you have to stay with me.

"you're the reason i kept so positive in here, i hope you know that. i put on this confident facade because i want you to be happy. i don't want you to deal with my problems. i just want the best for you." wilbur smiled as a cascade of tears rolled off of his cheeks and onto the now stained white t-shirt he was pressed into. "it's never been about me. you're all that matters. your well-being, your happiness, your smile. that's all that's ever kept me going."

wilbur's sincere words were met only with silence. "and i fucked up, didn't i?" he sobbed. "this is my fault. my fault you're dying in my arms."

a quiet, pained sound brought wilbur's head back up immediately, blinking the tears out of his puffy, red eyes. "techno?" he said in a faint, barely audible voice.

a hand moved and grabbed wilbur's right arm, squeezing slightly. wilbur sat still, breathless for a second of shock. "it's-it's not your fault, will." techno's raspy voice cut the silence.

without a word, wilbur wrapped his friend in tightly his arms, pushing his head into techno's bloodied shoulder and letting his emotions out. techno patted wilbur's back feebly, chuckling hoarsely. "i'd love it if you didn't hug out the little bit of life i have left in me, will. that'd be nice." wilbur loosened his hold, but stayed attached to techno.

at that exact moment, not a single force in the unforgiving world could tear the two apart.

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