chapter 14

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everything around them seemed to dissipate as the pair entered unknown territory. the purple aura was so overwhelming it felt like trying to breathe in a smoke thick enough to make you cough uncontrollably.

technoblade's grip on wilbur's hand tightened as their surroundings materialized yet again. techno immediately stepped out of the obsidian frame, letting wilbur go and choking out the quite possibly "toxic" aroma being emitted from the portal. wilbur took a few moments to take in the area around the two of them.

they had appeared in the middle of a barren stretch of some kind of red rocks. though under wilbur's feet the material had the consistency of rotting wood oddly enough. even being surrounded by lava and flame—practically standing in an inferno—the temperature seemed stable, as if it were just a summer day in arizona. however, it was still enough to get the two people who hadn't prepared for hot weather to start sweating immediately.

technoblade took one look around, and immediately started walking back to the portal. "okay wilbur, i've seen enough. let's go now."

wilbur gripped onto technoblade's shirt collar as he tried to escape the hellish location. wilbur sighed, "c'mon techno. i prefer seeing new things, no matter how insane, to wandering endless rooms."

"will, i know you think you're pretty smart, and i'd like you to keep thinking that highly of yourself. but, hey, i hate to break it to you; you're being stupidly rash about this." technoblade turned to eye wilbur coldly. wilbur stared at technoblade, at a loss for words. techno's sudden turn on him had been a surprise.

wilbur turned and began to walk into the unknown. technoblade stared after him, confused. "wait, will- wilbur where are you going?"

wilbur didn't turn around as he continued onward. "well you don't want to come, so you don't have to. see ya."

technoblade watched as wilbur disappeared around a red stalagmite jutting up from the ground. he quickly looked around, not knowing what to do. "what the hell." technoblade shouted, kicking the ground in a fit before chasing after wilbur.

wilbur turned his head slightly as the sound of frantic footsteps neared. after he was sure technoblade wasn't able to see him, he had slowed down for techno, knowing he would come back. "look who's back!"

"shut up. you cause the majority of stress in my life. i hope you know that." technoblade grumbled.

wilbur pouted his lips in spite of his friend. "aww, you know that isn't true. you love me." wilbur said as he slung his arm around techno's shoulder, pulling him closer. technoblade didn't protest, but he muttered a few incoherent words of agitation.

the vast landscape seemed unnaturally empty. there were no signs of life at all. even if something had at some point managed to inhabit this place, it didn't anymore. techno's gaze shifted to the ground below them as they walked, squinting as he noticed it was beginning to change. gradually, the red material was left behind as they entered a new expanse. instead of the red rock-like ground, they were now walking on strangely soft dirt, with some patches of similarly colored sand littering the soil spread intermittently. the change in heat was drastic, and immediately recognizable. it seemed to become ten times as hot as it had just been, but the humidity had disappeared all together.

"holy shit." wilbur panted as the heat hit him. techno had taken off his hoodie and tied it around his waist, having worn a t-shirt underneath. wilbur rolled his eyes, "must be nice not sweating your ass off."

techno frowned, "just take off your sweater."

"i'm not wearing anything underneath this, man."

"tear the sleeves off or something, ion know." he shrugged.

wilbur crossed his arms stubbornly. "i like this sweater."

techno shrugged, "not my problem then." wilbur gasped, grasping his chest and mocking a hurt expression.

techno ignored wilbur. "i've changed my mind. i hope we do die here."

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