chapter 15

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"you need to get up."


george turned around and suppressed a giggle. "what? i didn't say anything."

dream smiled, "yeah, i know."

dream and george were wandering downtown seattle aimlessly, just for the fun of it. last night george and sapnap had shown up at his house, wanting to hang out. they'd had a relaxed night, only getting through half of a movie before passing out around their host's room. dream didn't mind; he preferred the company. anything—no matter how messy—beat being alone with nothing worthwhile to do.

dream didn't exactly recall what had happened, but sapnap had ended up leaving at some point, leaving him and george alone. of course, neither had any idea of what to spend their time together doing, so they had agreed to walk around until they found something. dream had been enjoying their walk together, and hadn't been paying mind to how antsy george was being. "dream?"

dream shuddered, but brushed it off as one of those 'random chills'. "huh?"

george turned to look at dream. "are we friends?"

dream stopped walking. he slowly moved his head to share a gaze with george, not knowing what to say. "what?" was all he could think of.

george quickly broke eye contact, wrapping his arms around himself. "nothing, sorry. dumb question."

dream hesitated, but moved to grab the other's shoulder. "no, it wasn't dumb." they both stepped into the nearest alleyway to not inconvenience the people around them. dream leaned on the brick wall, sliding down with a heavy sigh until he was sitting on the dirty concrete. george, in a more neatly fashion, sat down beside him. the two of them sat in silence for a few minutes, somewhat 'enjoying' the sounds of the city.

wordlessly, dream dragged george into a tight hug, setting his chin down on george's shoulder. george instantly returned the hug after a split second of confusion. dream hummed contently.

"and for the record, you are my friend."

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