Ch.1- The Next in Line

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Jennifer's POV-

i was walking to class. I was cleaning my room about twenty minutes before but, i just had to do it.

As i walked, i noticed how people looked at me. Some people looked like they wanted to Rank Battle. Others appeared to be scared because their levels are too far low to try to stand up for themselves. Luckily my skill was hope so there was no giving up. Those that fall into Despair suffer and give up, they never make it to the top.

I opened the door to class and sat at my seat. I turned on the computer in front of me and looked around the room. No one was here, i was the first. How was i first? I was cleaning and all. The door opens and a girl i don't recognize enters. Of course i don't say anything about it in case her level is low or mid level. She sits over at a seat by the back row. That was when i realized, She sits next to Kyran.

A Vision then began to seem to appear.

'Hey, My names Ethan. Level 10'

I hate seeing those from time to time. It may be Melissa who is messing around like always.

Kyran enters the room. His hair is more organized now. It isn't as messy and flying everywhere like the old times.

I waved to him "seems like you've made it on time, hm?"

he smiles back. "yeah, guess i'm really righteous when i promised THAT to Melissa, heheh"

I lower my hand. Him and Melissa. What's up with them? No, they're friends. I shouldn't be acting like this.

The teacher begins writing on the board. "Okay Class! Today we will be learning of a Skill that only some have. It is a rare one too. It's called Hope!"

I already have this skill. I only need this one to move forward. If i were to learn a different one, I'd lose the Hope Skill. That's how it works unfortunately.

Kyran was raising his hand when i looked up. The teacher called on him. "Yes Kyran?"

He scratches his head and places his head on his hand. "This skill sucks. Teach us Despair."

"HUH?!" I screamed out while standing up. I know i made a scene but this was confusing. He loved his main skill.

"Haha, I'm kidding! You should have seen your reaction though" he hollered to me. I fume and grab a notebook, throwing it at him. He dodges it with ease.

I became curious though. "Hey, Kyran. What is your new main skill?"

"I like to use Dodger. It helps me avoid everything." He said, SURPRISINGLY casually.

The teacher looked at us as we talked from far distances without caring. The new girl stands up and looks at us. "HEY! IF YOU WANNA TALK OR BE DISRESPECTFUL, DO IT SOMEWHERE ELSE YOU TWO FUCKING DUMB EXCUSES! OTHERWISE JUST LEARN!"

Before i could have the chance to react, Kyran wined. "Buuuuut, I already have every skill! What could i possibly do by simply learninggggggg....!"

"EVERY SKILL? I doubt it. You're too annoying to have every sk-"

Before she could finish, Kyran spoke in a serious tone, interrupting her.

"Yes. I'm the Ultimate user for a reason." As Kyran finished his sentence, his eyes glowed red again. I realized he kept his eyes hidden for a while now. He had been looking down the entire time.

The girl jumped back in fear. "Shit! I should've known sooner....the red eyes......"

"anyways, wanna be my friend?" Kyran asked.

"Eh- What?"

"Want to be fr-"

"I know what you said. But listen. First, I go to a field trip with kids i dont know. We all only had 1 skill each and there was a murderer, A kid with red eyes and brown hair steps forward and gives me a option to receive a better place to go to, AND after took a day to take me here. You teach me the ways of this world, give me an ability, level and [RE:FIXED] name." She said a bit too fast for me to catch onto.

"Yeah. Who knows? Maybe i was the murderer." He said laughing.

"Okay Ethan. At least i'm not there anymore." She said half-jokingly. I'm confused here. Why are they fighting then joking? Kyran has a weird effect on people.

"When i saved you, you were just a blondie who was terrified, wearing a black onesie and accepted my help! So nostalgic! Thats when i took a month to show you the ways~~"

What did i miss out on? Is this what secretly happened in the virtual world? The lab? Or could it have been before Halloween started? He closed the lab after halloween... hmm...

I'm digging too deep for nothing.

When i began to listen again, the girl was still talking. "-We're already friends though! But if you and i are going to talk, use your camp look! You know....the curious brown haired kid who wore a white jacket and black pants! Don't forget the bright blue ocean eyes!"

Kyran raised a thumbs up. "You got it! This way when i switch to it, you'll know i'm talking to you or GOING to!"

This felt like a WAYYY too comfortable conversation. What the heck is going on here? Well anyways, the teacher seemed like they were going to hit us with a ruler any second now so i decided to just type some important information.

KYR- Ethan's POV-

I typed before talking to Kira, who was right next to me. I wrote 'In every murder mystery event, change between personalities and choose a boy or girl to go and disguise as. We can perfectly become either gender with our [DISGUISE-COSPLAY ABILITY]. It's always us.'

I felt bad for Kira so i saved her. She seemed to vulnerable. I felt so bad for what i could have done if i hadn't been there at the time.

I turned over to her. "Hey Kira, so anyways. How's the day so far?"

"It's been good so far...You know... Why did you give me Level 4.8 out of any amount thoughhhhh" she whined.

I saw someone look over and grin. I go near her face which causes her to quickly become red for some reason. I whispered to her "hey someone behind you is smiling as you said your level. I'm raising it to level 5.9, you can work the rest by yourself right?"

"R-Right! Thanks Ethan!" I smiled at her motivation.

That guy who smiled was a 4.8 as well. I whisper again. "Don't befriend him. I'm warning you. I have an attachment called predictions"

She nodded and we got back to work. I got bored and shot a laser beam at the kid who screamed.

The teacher looked at me. "Kyran?! What the heck!"

"A prediction said he was going to hurt people. I stopped it from happening and also it was because i was bored."

The teacher's eye twitched in confusion "you get bored pretty often, don't ya"

"Yes, yes i do" i might have said smiling.

The bell rung and i walked out of class. I made a note however.

'Switch appearances when no one is around to trick them.'

Chapter 1 End

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