Chapter 13 - New Knowledge

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Jennifer walked back to where she last saw the Blonde girl. She opened the room door but she wasn't inside. She walked a bit around the hall until She finally spotted her up ahead.

She grabbed her and Nicole stared. She crossed her arms. "You, What's your name?"

"Me? Don't worry about it." She said, yanking her hand away from Jennifer.

Nicole powered up. "No can do, You have information even I am unaware of."

She shook her head and smiled. "I'm Kira."

'Kira huh? Sounds like Kyran a bit... Can't be a coincidence can it?' Nicole thought. "Now tell us about this new side of the Virtual World."

Kira placed a finger on her chin. "Well, There's some place called the in between and a secret place filled with code named... Virtual-World PLUS."

"The hell? Why don't I know about this?" Nicole asked.

Kira giggled. "It was a side project worked on by someone who caught onto you."

Nicole gasped. "Someone else was in my Lab?!"

"Not necessarily, It was before you even thought of making the Virtual World." Kira looked out the window to see Kyran standing there looking at the dormitories.

"What? Who could have possibly known of my projects name before I had started it!?"

Kira nodded. "I'm also confused. It seems to be something connected to Predictions. To me, It seems that way at least."

"Predictions..?" Jennifer turned to Nicole. "Doesn't Kyran have that skill?"

"Ah, He does." Nicole confirmed. "But he couldn't have known because who in their right mind would put themselves in a world knowing the outcome?"

"He would. Kyran wanted to feel something different from that Virtual World but I guess..." Jennifer couldn't finish her sentence. The story of what happened was so jumbled up that it was hard to guess.

Footsteps came towards them and then stopped. "—The Virtual Word didn't go as planned. The user put in it had an idea of what he wanted himself to do without predicting outcomes. He wanted for himself to discover the PLUS side of the VW but it ended in failure and corruption takeover."


"Kyran? How the hell do you know this?" Nicole asked.

Kyran fixed his voice for a second before replying again. "I've been using Sky in that virtual world so I could secretly gather intel on the world. In my emotionless state, I found out things no one could comprehend but I refused to go down the route that I had originally planned. Sky was too busy having fun with everyone while I took the time to learn what was real and what wasn't."

"In the end, I knew the world was fake and got rid of Sky in the process so I could leave alone." He sighed. "I'm guessing my absence in the Plus side of the Virtual World created her. Resulting in another escape from the World when her body shouldn't even be real."

Nicole's eye twitched. "Shouldn't... be real?"

Kira raised her hands. "You got me there. As expected."

She turned around and started walking away. She stopped and turned around with a glare. "Where's Ethan?"

Nicole tried to remember. "The Virtual World never had any sprites or models... with the name Ethan."

"I'm speaking to Kyran here. He knows who I'm speaking of."

Kyran looked disgusted. "Ethan is an appearance I created to replace Sky."

Nicole shrugged. "I knew you couldn't handle being alone in your body."

Kyran interrupted. "The guy known as Ethan was just me playing a role."

Kira shook. "Playing a role?"

Jennifer held out her phone. "It's such a good time to head to class or something, Huh?"

Kira's expression darkened. "It's fine. I mean this place has until July so I'm okay with how things are."

Kyran kneeled down. "You can still create a life here with your new understanding of how things work." He stood back up. 'Listen me, This is boring but let's not forget she just said this place had until July.'

"I guess." Kira walked away quietly.

Nicole went close to Jennifer's ear and whispered. "I guess I can trust him after all."

"Told you." Jennifer whispered back.

Kyran turned around. "You both realize I can hear you, correct?"

'Don't you think this is boring?'

'It's really dull.'

'This isn't Fun.'

'Unfortunate that I have to waste my time on this.'


Kyran shook his head.

"You two better get to class. You don't want to miss out on the work!" Kyran told them.

They both jumped and realized how late they were. "You're right..!" Jennifer said, panicking. "Bye guys!"

Nicole walked off. "I guess I'll see you both later."

Kyran stood there by himself. He sat in front of a wall. He lowered his head in exhaustion.

Two feet appeared in front of him. Kyran looked up to see a guy similar looking to himself reaching his hand out. 'Isn't this all pointless and boring?'

'Forget them.'

'Let's restart and win everything.'

Kyran didn't reach for the hand. The guy pulled his hand away. 'You're still scared of what happened. You're afraid.'

He shook his head and the figure disappeared. "It's not pointless as long as she's here." He said while walking away.

"Nothing is stronger than the feeling i feel when I'm around her." Kyran mumbled.

B-Route #3 End.

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