Chapter 6 - Help me

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'I think I'm going to ....faint!'

Kate POV

Boom! Boom!

I shake my head to wake me up from dizziness. I touch my head and groan. "Shit! Where is Harry?!" I look around to see Harry floating in the air with his arms wide open in the air helpless. The ghost still holding him and it seems like she's sipping Harry spirit.

I must do something. "What should I do?!" I touch my heart beating so fast. Then I remember Kat and their soon to be baby. I need to fight her.

I look around and find something that I can use for a weapon.

"K-K-Kate! Please me!"
I heard Harry pleaded me.



A loud thud echo at the balcony followed by a lightning.

"You all have to pay this!" She said. "we will meet again!"

Gladly she disappeared in the clear cloud while I stay lying at the floor. When I realized.

"Harry! Harry!" I touch his pulse and listen his heartbeat. "You okay, for now. Please hold on! I'm sorry! I'm getting help."

"Help! Help!" I yelled over the hallway running toward the venue. "Help! Mom! Dad! Help us!" I yelled and yelled until I end up at the last door. I turned the knob to unlock it. "No! No! Please open!" I look around to find another door and guess no one opened.

I slide down my body at the floor. "I need help for Harry..." I chant to myself and it seems like the light had a problem too.

I look up at the ceiling and stare the bulb while it flickers. Turning on and off while lighting the long hallway and sometimes not sharing a light.

I stand up and find another way and all in my mind was Harry, Katrina and their baby.

Somehow, I felt happy for them but I felt sad too because. What if I can't find help or I will stuck in here...


I step one foot and follow the first direction I was in. Then second feet but it felt something weird when I walk alone in here.

Besides the flickering of the bulb and the vibes in the hallway. The color, the door with the same door and number and I felt like I had left one of my feet into somewhere.

Then, I accidentally slip and slide at the floor. "Ouch!" I touch my head then started to stand up after I massage it a little. "Ow!" I exclaim. What's wrong with me.

I touch my left thigh then I felt a wet in their I look at it. "Blood." I look around and it has a blood all around in the hallway.

The door. Where are the doors? Why I'm up in their?

I try my best to stand up and I was so shock in fear when I found out that.

My other leg are missing and "what the hell! Is wrong with me!"

"Nothing wrong, my dear."

"Who are you?"

"Ahaha haha"

Her laugh echoed the whole hallways.

Then it click!

"Stay away from me!"

But it's too late when I felt a needle peck my neck. I tried to twist my body but she hold me stronger.

I keep shaking and twisting my body until I can't.

I'm sorry Harry. I always love you.



Uhm a little sad in this part, though .

But! That's not all about that. It's still had another surprising event or situation.

Read more please and!

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Dreadful Nightmare (Still Updating)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora