Math Problems- Malec (and Isabelle Lightwood)

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I based this on the Monty Hall scene from Brooklyn 99. Alec and Magnus are having a little fight so the reader tries to do what she can to help them out, but Isabelle knows exactly what those two need.

Hilarity. Enjoy.

It was just another day for you as a Shadowhunter. You and Isabelle were going over some old files from recent demon hunts when you spot the head of the Institute walk in with the High Warlock of Brooklyn.

"Hey, (y/n), Izzy," Alec greets. "Hey Alec, Magnus," you greet back. "What's up, big brother?" Isabelle asks, noticing the look on Alec's face. "What makes you think something's up?" Alec frowns. "Come on, Alec, I've known you my whole life," Izzy points out, "You have that look on your face." "Okay, fine," Alec concedes, "I need someone, being you and (y/n), to help  me settle a...tiff Magnus and I have right now." "Well if we're being honest, Alexander, this is more of a row than it is a tiff," Magnus sasses. "And if you keep it up with that attitude it'll turn into a scene," Alec sasses back.

"As much as I love you guys, I'm not entirely sure I want to get in the middle of your personal problems," Izzy admits. "Don't worry, it's not a personal problem," Alec assures, "If anything it's more of a math problem." "Ugh," "Ooh boy," Izzy and you say in response. "Wait, since when you did you become interested in math?" you frown in confusion.

"Well," Magnus begins, "It all started last night when Alec and I finally had dinner together for the first time in weeks due to all those back to back demon hunts." "And it was going well up until Magnus decided it was a good idea to ruin our dinner with an inane and impossible piece of math trivia," Alec quips in, "To which his answer is wrong and I am right."   

"Okay cut the foreplay and get to the numbers," you say, listening intently as Alec and Magnus both discuss the problem in question. As they did so, while bickering back and forth, you went over the problem in your head to figure out who was right.

"It's simple math," both Alec and Magnus say at once. "Alexander, I told you probability kicks in when you make the switch," Magnus argues. "No it doesn't," Alec counters. "Do I need to show you again?" "Oh you mean like I have the last eight times?" "Seven times," Alec corrects, "Now you can't do even simple addition. For a immortal warlock, that is very disappointing"

"...Uh, I hate to break this to you, Alec but...Magnus is right," you speak up, getting the couple's attention.

"You're banished from the Institute," Alec says. "What?" "Ha ha," was all Izzy could say.

It was true about Alec being busy. With all the demon hunts and having to file all that paperwork for the Clave, the man hasn't had much time to spend with the love of his life. Although to be fair, things were pretty busy on Magnus' end too. The warlock had a recent influx of new clients to tend to, so that was keeping him occupied away from his shadowhunter lover. In short, both Alec and Magnus have been so busy the only time they seemed to ever see each other was at night right before bed and right before they both fell asleep, being exhausted from the day's work. It's fair to say that things have been a little tense in their relationship as a result.

----------The Next Day-----------

"Good morning, Alec,"  you greet the man the next morning, "I trust you slept well last night." "Not really no," Alec admits, which you noticed the dark circles under his eyes, "I've been tossing back and forth over that stupid math problem. I think I finally understand Magnus' point of view."

"So, does this mean the fight is over and we don't have to keep hearing about it the rest of the day?" Izzy asks, joining in. "Nope, quite the opposite," Alec answers, "All I can think about is how wrong Magnus is. And now if you'll excuse me I give him a call and leave a snide remark about middle school statistics."

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