Chapter 2

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3rd POV

Juliet arose from her slumber as she looked to her side on the floor where Nicholas had slept last night, still sound asleep.

Checking the time she laid back in her bed closing her eyes it was currently 9:07 AM.  She still had 53 minutes before she'd have to be at work, 

Sighing she got up sneaking past Nicholas making sure not to wake him up, it was odd seeing him like this, seeing herself like this. In this life, she would've never imagined for herself.

Sneaking into her small closet she pulled out some clothes and walked into the bathroom and began getting ready for her exhaustingly long day.

She picked up more hours while she was on break so she could pay her school loans off a little faster, and after work, she'd study her ass off.

As she finished getting ready she walked out to find Nicholas standing where all her picture frames were, his back faced to her.

She grasped her hair tying it into a ponytail as Nicholas turned around holding up the frame of her and Nicholas' wedding picture, the only one that looked slightly realistic,

"You kept this?" He asked as he looked up at her as he watched her slide her jacket on, she walked over to him and looked at the photo closely, and smiled.

"For good measure" She answered as she picked up her keys and purse.

He chuckled as he set it back down, and watched her for a moment, hustle around the apartment to whip up toast so she could be on her way.

"No one's ever asked about it?" Nicholas asked, she turned around glancing at him.

"If you're implying a guy then no. I haven't really looked for anyone since well- yeah," Juliet answered as she stuffed her toast in her mouth and waited for her coffee to brew.

"Juliet I hope you're not doing this because-"

"Nicholas, I just haven't found time for someone else that's it" Juliet lied through her teeth, that was half the truth.

She could never find the spark she found between herself and Nick with another person, so it was deemed useless to waste her time on dating, after all, she was 25 she deserved the rest of her years as best as she could get them with a man or without.

"Besides, don't you keep up with my life," She asked as she poured her coffee in her cup.

"I chose to stay out of your love life," He chuckled,

"And you? Don't tell me you haven't met anyone women line up for you" Juliet joked, but in all honesty she was curious.

"I've decided to keep women many miles from me" Nicholas chuckled recalling his events with his past significant others.

"You'll find someone Nicholas, and you won't be afraid to fall helplessly in love," Juliet said as she grabbed her coffee and headed towards the door.

"I'll see you later, Nick," Juliet said as she headed out with her steaming coffee in one hand.

Nicholas began getting ready for his meeting at 1, he smiled at the thought of Juliet's words, he knew deep down that Juliet would be the only girl who he'd truly fall for the way she described.

He wasn't here to win her back, but if fate worked, they'd find each other again one way or another. 


"You just couldn't help yourself" Nicholas chuckled as Juliet walked into the small sandwhich shop, it had a bohemian vibe to it.

cozy rather.

"Free food? Who wouldn't" Juliet laughed, she was currently on her lunch break and Nicholas asked if they'd like to have lunch.

"Very Juliet of you," Nicholas remarked with a smirk as Juliet playfully rolled her eyes, she skimmed the menu finally picking out what she wanted.

Nicholas ordered first, a steak sandwhich light on the cheese and a passion fruit lemonade.

While Juliet ordered a turkey double cheese sandwhich with fries on the side. 

"Your meeting? How'd it go?" Juliet asked passing time.

"Usual, the same shit different person" Nicholas answered.

"What was it about?" Juliet asked curiously.

"Stocks, sales, shares. He seemed very persistent on it" Nicholas said, 

"If it does you any good, you're intimidating people want a job under your name for that status," Juliet said advising him.

"I suppose," He answered, as their food arrived.

"And you? You're job must be going well?" He asked as he sipped his lemonade.

"Just peachy" Juliet sarcastically stated, she didn't hate her job but it wasn't one she wanted to do. 

"Do tell" Nicholas chuckled as he took a bite of his sandwhich as Juliet ate her fries.

"People can be so excruciatingly rude," Juliet said referring to her work, Nicholas looked up and smiled.

"You deal well with those kinds, last I remember" Nicholas stated as Juliet chewed her sandwhich.

"Last you remember I didn't exactly have a job to keep" Juliet chuckled at the irony of it. Nicholas smiled at her admiring her for a moment.

"I suppose, you could always work for me" Nicholas suggested,

"Very funny," Juliet said sarcastically as she put another fry in her mouth, 

"Why not?" Nicholas asked as he sipped his lemonade.

"You know I can't, with school and I've built a life for myself, I started over just like you told me too, I can't just leave it," Juliet said, 

"Right," Nicholas uttered, she deserved this life, and the last thing he would do was drag her into one that she left behind.

"How's Cassie?" Juliet asked in an attempt to change the topic. She hated talking about the past because the worst thing about it was that there would be nothing you could do to change it.

"She's -good- for the most part, I'm sure you can catch up when we leave for New York," Nicholas said as he finished his sandwich and Lemonade just as Juliet did,

"Good, that's good for her, I haven't spoken to her in a while," Juliet said, 

"She'll understand, your schedule isn't easy" Nicholas reassured, Juliet nodded as she looked at the time and collected her things,

"My breaks over, I'll see you when I get home right?" Juliet asked, Nicholas, looked up at her as she stood up and nodded, 

She waved as she left the restaurant. Nicholas relaxed in his chair and wondered for a moment what it would've been like if he hadn't left Juliet that night,

What it would be like to watch her go to work every morning, and spend lunch together every afternoon and then fall asleep together In the midst of all their troubles washing away.

It was a life that Nicholas imagined for himself, Juliet on the other hand- he never knew what she truly wanted, maybe she did want that life with him. Or maybe, just maybe she wanted to start off the way she did.

He did know that no matter what she wanted she deserved to be given a choice, and she never would've made the choice she wanted unless the choice was made for her. 

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